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In the hall of Building B at YCIS Shanghai Puxi Hongqiao Campus, Primary STEAM Coordinator Mr Jake Jones was demonstrating to Y4 students how to spark electricity. The students sat on the floor with wide eyes, and at the moment the light lit up, they could not resist the excitement and shared glances of joy with their peers in front and behind them. 

This scene took place during STEAM Week at YCIS Shanghai Puxi, where our students explored and were encouraged to think about how science, technology, math, art, and engineering can be used and practised in everyday life.  

上海耀中浦西虹桥校区B楼的阶梯教室里,小学部STEAM课程主任Jake Jones老师正在给Y4的学生演示电是如何产生的,孩子们席地而坐,睁大眼睛,在灯被点亮的那一刻,他们耐不住激动,纷纷和前后左右的同伴分享这份喜悦,眼中闪着阵阵光芒。

这一场景发生在上周的STEAM Week。每一天,浦西校区的不同年级都会在不断探索中学习新的知识,思考科学、技术、数学、艺术和工程在日程生活中的运用和实践。

The children at the ECE campus spent the week exploring electrical circuits, volcanic eruptions, how different colours change when mixed, slopes, hydrogen balloons, and more. Amazement and shock were the main sentiments in each classroom as the early childhood learners witnessed extraordinary sights they have yet to see. 


At the Primary campus, the students mainly explored the topics of light and electricity. The students had already realised the importance of electricity in their daily lives from class lessons. Our STEAM Week experiments allowed them to build on their in-class knowledge as they discovered different ways of generating electricity. 

而在小学部,学生们则主要探究了“光”和“电”这一课题。学生们已经认识到电在日常生活中的重要性,而在STEAM Week,他们又相继参与了各种有趣的实验,进一步了解了不同的发电方式。对孩子们而言,电不仅便利了我们的日常生活,也在节约能源和保护环境方面起到至关重要的作用。

The Secondary students conducted experiments with laser lights on the sports pitch to learn more about the propagation and reflection of light in different media. 


Not only did we focus on each year level, but there was also room for cross-year level sharing. For example, Primary students moved to the ECE campus to help reinforce the early learners' concept of numbers while Secondary students met in the Primary campus to work with their younger peers on circuits, offering them guidance and encouragement along the way. 


Mr Ben Wright, Head of Creative Technologies and International Award Coordinator, indicated that although the senior students had fun instructing their younger peers, they reinforced their knowledge by adapting in-class learning for the younger year levels to understand.  

上海耀中(浦西校区)中学部创意科技主任Ben Wright老师指出,高年级的学生看似在“指导”低年级的学生,但实际上,真正的学习是学以致用,在给低年级的学生“上课”的同时,高年级的学生也在巩固知识。

One key element of the STEAM curriculum is the integration of topics across specialisations. This type of interdisciplinary learning is project and inquiry-based and builds on children's learning experiences in and out of school. We hope to develop students' ability to apply their knowledge across disciplines to investigate and solve problems and ignite their interest in science in the process of teaching and learning for fun.  



The school constantly searches for more diverse opportunities to give students. We value experience with science and technology and wish to apply design thinking in their projects and learning. Our Co-Teachers and Specialists collaborate to help students identify cross-curricular links and that learning in one area can be transferred to another, sometimes with unexpected results.

— Mr Jake Jones, YCIS Puxi Primary STEAM Coordinator

Jake Jones老师提到,学校将继续寻找更多更好的机会,让学生体验科学和技术,并在项目学习中应用设计思维。“我们的班级教师与专科教师合作,帮助学生确定跨学科的联系,一个领域的学习可以转移到另一个领域,有时会有意想不到的效果。”

——上海耀中(浦西校区)小学部STEAM课程主任Jake Jones

Before the Chinese New Year break, our Girls in STEMM programme had the chance to visit the ExxonMobil office and labs. Ten girls from YCIS Pudong and Puxi campuses will visit five companies in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Medicine) fields to gain real-world insight and connect with inspiring leaders early on. 

在春节假期前,上海耀中还开启了"STEMM中的女孩 "项目,十位上海耀中高年级的女生和四名科学老师共同参观了埃克森美孚公司。未来,她们还将走入其他四家顶级的科技公司访问学习。

After the ExxonMobil lab visit, YCIS Pudong Year 11 student Jaymee shared how she enjoyed seeing real-life links to what she learned in her Physics class. 

"We saw elasticity testing of plastics which linked to organic chemistry and the making of plastics, which I just started to learn." Jaymee added, "it was interesting to see the machines for manufacturing and in the testing halls, like injection moulding and blow moulding, which we saw in our Design and Technology classes." 


We look forward to the girls' next visit to Henkel's Innovation Hub and other STEAM-related initiatives such as YCIS Pudong's Day X, Pie Day in March, and our 2nd annual TEDx event on May 14th. Don’t forget to save the date! 


国际学校网《上海耀中外籍人员子女学校小学部STEAM课程 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/15983.html


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