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With the new year around the corner, this is a wonderful opportunity to take in and appreciate what we have learned in the first half of the school year. In no particular order, we want to celebrate our students and community for a fabulous Semester One at YCIS Shanghai! 


01 Amazing Scholarship Opportunities 


We are pleased to acknowledge YCYW's new scholarship programme that intends to recognise and celebrate the highest level of academic achievement, leadership, and service to the school and our community. Universities often recognise the determination and commitment to excellence needed to receive scholarships, and this is an excellent opportunity to stand out in future university applications. 

The award categories underscore our school motto: to Align with Science and Technology, Culture and Arts, Love and Charity.  

For full details, including scholarship selection criteria, procedures, and documents required, please scan the QR code below: 

在耀中耀华国际教育成立90周年之际,为肯定和鼓励更多取得傲人学术成就或在其他领域表现卓越的学生,及为更多来自不同背景的杰出学生创造接受优质国际教育的机会,耀中耀华首次推出涵盖中国香港及内地所有K-12校区的耀中耀华奖学金计划,该奖学金计划下设曾楚珩女士纪念奖学金、耀中耀华学科及才能奖及耀中耀华IGCSE/IB/A LEVEL奖三大奖项,以面向在不同学科课程、艺术与设计、音乐、表演艺术、运动、社区服务等各领域的佼佼者。本学期起,在上海耀中,该奖学金项目对全球所有10-13年级学生开放申请。

02 More Maths Mastery!


Developing critical thinking and analytical skills are at the core of the YCIS Shanghai curricula across all levels, especially in Mathematics classes. Our Maths department encourages students to participate in competitions as an exciting way to challenge logic and problem-solving abilities while exercising a growth mindset.  

In October, more than 200 YCIS students from Years 3 - 13 participated in the prestigious Caribou Cup from Canada, with over 60,000 student participants worldwide.  YCIS Pudong’s Seongwoo won 1st place in the world, while his sister Yeonwoo scored in the top 3% for her contest bracket. 

We would like to congratulate all of our writers and recognise 42 of our students who scored in the top 15% of worldwide results for Round 1 of Caribou. We greatly anticipate our students’ new accolades in 2022! 

11月,在北美驯鹿数学竞赛第一轮比赛中,共有42位参赛学生获得了全球前15%的名次,来自浦东校区10年级的Sungwoo同学更是摘得世界第一桂冠!  这是耀中学子在数学方面领先的又一例证,亦体现出了我们对学生参加学科类竞赛的高度重视。我们在鼓励学生积极参赛的同时,也乐于见证他们在过程中收获自信与经验。


03 Prestigious Top in China Awards 

for our IGCSE Students 


The Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards recognise the students who attained the highest marks in China and globally in IGCSE examinations through CAIE, part of the prestigious University of Cambridge.    This year, YCIS Shanghai repeated the successes of years prior, with multiple students receiving awards for their academic prowess. YCIS Puxi student Joyce received the “Top in China” award for English First Language, highlighting the many strengths of our language programmes. Across the river, YCIS Pudong student Daniel was also awarded “Top in China” for Design and Technology.    YCIS Shanghai students have received awards from Cambridge every year for over ten years, which builds the foundations for success at the IB Diploma. As such, we are tremendously proud of their efforts! 



04 Launching Expert Parent Webinars  


In September, YCYW launched the Parent Webinar Series. Experts provided parents with a deeper understanding of their child's learning experiences and enabled them to better support learning from home, ultimately helping children reach their goals.    We successfully hosted four webinars with specialists, educators, authors and psychologists who discussed Learning Communities, bully blocking strategies, literacy, and how to prepare our graduates for the future.    We look forward to the remaining six webinars and sharing the uniqueness of a YCYW experience with our community. 

2021年9月起,耀中耀华国际教育启动了本学年的“家校网络研讨会系列”活动,帮助家长深入了解孩子的学习体验,并能够在家庭环境中为孩子提供更加专业的支持,以更好地实现学生学习与成长的目标。   在过去的这一学期,我们成功举办了四场研讨会,耀中耀华国际教育高级课程主任Deborah McNally女士;心理学家、作家、演讲者、阻止欺凌专家Evelyn Field女士;美国加州圣地亚哥弗朗西斯帕克中学的读写能力教育专家Rebecca Bellingham女士和教育家、教育顾问、作家Andrew Lines 分别分享了自己对学习共同体、校园凌霸、阅读和毕业生需要的技能的独特见解,并与线上的家长和听众亲密互动。


05 Students Out of This World 

at Maker Faire  


This year, under the theme Mars: New Frontiers – Exploration and Habitations, YCIS Shanghai showcased a variety of STEAM projects and interactive experiences at the 2021 Shanghai Maker Faire. Our students applied the skills and knowledge learned in class—such as environmental protection and sustainable living—to create STEAM solutions for life on Mars. 

Over 17,000 visitors attended the fair, which started in San Fransisco in 2006, and featured over 60 interactive booths packed full of engaging STEAM-related activities. It was great that our displays were so prominent at this marquee event.   


Our students extracted kiwi DNA and fostered vegetal life in a controlled environment, utilising skills attained in their Biology classes. The booth's visitors roamed with robotic rovers programmed in Computer Science lessons across a Mars terrain imagined by YCIS Shanghai students in their Art classes.

We are always delighted to see the daily accomplishments of our students in and out of class and look forward to their participation in future STEAM-related events in the new year! 

10月16日和17日,上海耀中的师生共同参加了第二届制汇嘉年华活动,他们将课堂上所学的主题和知识,如环境保护和可持续生活等学以致用,研发了可用于在火星上生活的STEAM解决方案,充分展现了科技之美。活动当天,共有逾17000名访客到场,尽管天公不作美,但上海耀中的展位依旧热闹非凡,到场的儿童和成人访客均被我们精美绝伦的学生作品所震撼。   制汇嘉年华等同类型的活动,为学生展示批判性思维能力提供了平台,他们将课堂所学知识进行转化,继而传递到上海社区。    

06 Founder’s Day: 

Counting Down to 90 Years 


Because it is so central to our focus on health and wellness, at YCIS we make sport the theme of our Founder's Day each year. 

In October, we saw YCIS Pudong and Puxi students dressed in their respective house colours and participating in a wide range of activities including football, basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, golf, archery, cricket, tchoukball, frisbee, tug of war, and many more.

We also began the countdown to our 90th-anniversary celebration next year, which will certainly be a special one!




07 Book and Wellness Week 



As a school, we emphasise the need for academic and emotional balance so that our students can better manage commitments in and outside school. Wellness Week and Book Week are two examples of how YCIS Shanghaiprioritises this balance within our community. 

During Wellness Week, we encouraged all students—from K2 to Year 13—to engage in mindful, calm activities and to foster a balanced lifestyle comprised of hard work and intentional leisure. At the same time, the habit of reading also has proven long-lasting benefits for children. Werecognised this through our annual 'Book Week' with activities to encourage the love of reading.  

Our educators all engage in activities that develop each child emotionally, academically, and socially. By dedicating time to explore wellbeing and reading with our students, teachers, and parents, we promote the importance and encourage growth in these areas.

11月,上海耀中浦东与浦西校区迎来了“图书周”与“德育周”。作家Andy Rash和Karen Golden与上海耀中的学生分享了各自的作品,打开了学生想象力的大门,此外,通过“伙伴式阅读”,高年级和低年级的学生互相分享最爱的书籍,见证阅读的快乐。根据上海耀中的传统,在“图书周”的最后一天,孩子们都会打扮成最喜爱的书中人物来到学校进行主题服装游行,将阅读的欢乐气氛推向最高潮。



08 Forging New Collaborative Spirit 

with Inaugural Gala 


YCIS Shanghai held its first gala evening on November 20, bringing together students, parents, teachers and alumni. As the first independent international school in Shanghai approved by the Chinese government in 1993, YCIS Shanghai has always followed the school motto to "align with love and charity". The event celebrated this spirit, dedication and compassion of student leaders who have tirelessly served their community. 

The auction portion of the evening received generous support from YCIS parents and partners and featured over 70 items touching upon academics, art, music, sport and travel. The list included the "Principal for a Day" experience, a performance opportunity and master class at Jazz at Lincoln Center Shanghai, and a two-week summer course at the University of Oxford. 

The gala was a huge success due to the help provided by our parent volunteers and staff. We trust that the scholarship recipients will carry our torch far and wide. 






09 Showstopping Performances 

at our Christmas Concerts 


Christmas is always a highly anticipated time on campus as the halls become a little more festive and the community joyous. Santa Claus made a few special appearances in classrooms from ECE to Secondary, and each campus had its way of celebrating the holiday season as a community. The annual Christmas Concerts are always highly anticipated as students diligently practise to create showstopping performances for peers and parents alike. This year was no exception, with audiences truly wowed by the many spectacles before leaving for the much-deserved winter holiday.  




10Standout Social Enterprise

Hope Beans Coffee 










We look forward to more memorable moments in 2022 from the TEDx + Art Exhibition (click to see the last TEDx and Art Exhibition we had), YCYW ISTA Drama Festival, STEAM Week, YCYW University Festival, Sports Day, Father-Daughter Dance, and International Food and Global Community Week, to name a few.  

See you in 2022! 


在接下来的学期里,我们将会举办包括TEDx 、艺术展、戏剧展、大学招生展、STEAM周、运动周、父女舞会派对和国际文化周等多类型学术与非学术类活动。


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