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The 21st century has seen the relationship between computer algorithms and the physical world getting ever more closely intertwined. The latest example includes the American Waymo (formerly the Google self-driving car project), which will map the streets of New York City with its fleet of autonomous vehicles.

The build-up of interest at the intersection of supercomputing, communication technologies and artificial intelligence is growing exponentially. Pooled resources have resulted in cyber-physical systems (CPS), an area YCIS Shanghai alumnus Patrick Haffmans is keen to work in, as he wants to help send robots into space in the future.

The aspiring engineer is a big believer in using creativity – which is never just a catchword on his resume - to drive innovation and change.

Patrick is currently working with Weibel Scientific as an algorithm engineer after completing his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at University College London. He also recently won the ‘Project of the Year’ award for his mechatronics thesis at the University of Southern Denmark.


Having spent 12 years at YCIS Shanghai, Patrick, who has German and Filipino parents, still reminisces about the supportive tight-knit community at his alma mater that fuelled his passion for technology and a desire to drive positive change in society.

We chatted with Patrick about the opportunities YCIS Shanghai had offered him, and his enduring interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

自21世纪,计算机算法与物理世界紧密交织,关系日趋密切,美国Waymo公司(前身为谷歌自驾车项目)最近利用旗下自驾车绘制纽约街道图,便是最新的例子。大众对超级电脑、通讯技术和人工智能的兴趣不断增加,资源整合衍生出信息物理系统(CPS)——这是上海耀中外籍人员子女学校校友Patrick Haffmans所热衷的领域,他期望有朝一日能将机器人送上太空。这位有远大抱负的工程师并非纸上谈兵,他坚信,只要运用创造力,定能带来创新与改变。

Patrick从伦敦大学学院UCL)取得机械工程学士学位后,目前任职于Weibel Scientific,是一位演算法工程师。他最近撰写关于机电研究的硕士论文,获得南丹麦大学「最佳年度项目」奖。



Q:Tell us about your experiences while studying at YCIS Shanghai (Puxi Campus).


A:I dearly miss my time at the YCIS Gubei Campus in Puxi. I even dream about it sometimes! It felt like a second home to me as I spent so much time there. The school community is very close and friendly. It was also exciting to see that YCIS has five campuses in Shanghai, all of which have their own spacious facilities.


Q:You grew up in Shanghai and lived in US, UK, and Denmark. How was the transition and how did you overcome the challenge of settling into a new environment?


A:I have been very mobile since graduating from YCIS. I find each new location less of a challenge and more exciting. Everything is new. Adjusting to a new environment can be tough sometimes but it is fun to tackle. Finding support from other newcomers who arrive from other countries is one way to help with your transition.

Right now, I am happy to be in Copenhagen for the foreseeable future.


答:耀中毕业后,我经常在不同的地方切换,这对我而言不是挑战,更多是改变带来的兴奋。当所有事物都焕然一新,在适应阶段总会遇到困难,但这是可以克服的有趣挑战。找到那群同样来自其他地方的移居者,相互扶持,这是适应方法之一。目前, 我很高兴在可预见的未来继续在哥本哈根生活。


Q:You gained a master’s degree in mechatronics and cyber-physical systems from the University of Southern Denmark and received the BHJ award (for emerging researchers/scientists). What sparked your interest in this area?


A:While I was at YCIS Shanghai, the design and technology, maths, and physics classes were the ones I truly enjoyed. These subjects changed my perspective on how I could apply knowledge in real life contexts.

In particular, I am really interested in control systems engineering. This is one of the most mathematically intensive fields of engineering, where maths can be applied in the real world in a very tangible way – autonomous systems for example.


Q:Is there any advice you would like share with students who are interested in pursuing a STEM major or, specifically, mechatronics?



A:I have two pieces of advice for students interested in STEM. The first is to take part in directly related extracurricular activities where you can learn some skills and basic knowledge that will come in handy later when you’re enrolled in a STEM course. Find yourself a mentor and connect with other people who share a similar interest.  STEM is a very broad subject, and it is very helpful to have mentors to provide guidance. 


The second piece of advice is to practice maths like an instrument. When I was at university, they said you should practice it for 20 minutes each day, like you’re learning the piano. You must turn it into muscle memory.




Q:The IB curriculum is an academically challenging and rigorous programme. What’s your advice for future students at YCIS Shanghai?


A:The first is to have a routine where you build a structure for work and break time, and maintain it consistently. I also recommend students take advantage of the CAS (creativity, activity, service) hours. Convert a hobby into one of the CAS activities and create space to take time off.

Secondly, prioritise your rest time and keep your mind refreshed to get the most out of your study time. 

Lastly, reach out for help if you are struggling. There’s always help available.




Q:Are you planning to come back to Shanghai? What are you up to and what's next for you?



A:I have not been back to Shanghai since graduation but I have already spoken to my former classmates about going back to China one day to visit the places that we all grew up in.

I‘ve just started working fulltime for Weibel Scientific, one of the leading global producers that develops and manufactures velocity and position measuring instruments based on continuous wave Doppler principles. The company, which has a strong focus on the tracking of space debris, is a supplier for space agencies including European Space Agency and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This is really a ‘dream come true’ moment for me – to help contribute to space exploration through engineering.



我刚在Weibel Scientific这家位居全球前列的连续波多普勒雷达生产商开展全职工作,它为欧洲航天局、美国太空总署等大型航天机构提供雷达系统,并为追踪太空碎片贡献力量。我感到很兴奋,因为利用工程学为人类太空事业工作一直是我的梦想,希望我的想法得以实践,并带来改进。我的工作和软件相关,虽然与想象中读完机械学士所从事的方向并不一样,但这就是数学的伟大之处——它在任何地方都是有用的。

The mastery of a wide range of skills is needed in the workplace today and will be of even greater importance for the next generation. Our education model provides opportunities for our students to develop crucial skills in all areas. YCIS Shanghai pays specific attention to science, technology, engineering, arts, and maths. Children experience STEAM topics not just as a speciality theme but rather as a key area of learning that is integrated across all subjects.


Technology at the Pudong and Puxi locations is introduced in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) programme, starting K2 for two-year-olds. From getting used to using iPads and learning about the importance of design, to understanding programming and coding through different tools and technologies, the school’s youngest learners are exposed, in many ways, to technological activities (read more about Innovative Technology Learning and Activities at YCIS).


In Primary, beyond day-to-day in-classroom usage, technology – including programming and coding activities – has been integrated into the school’s Education Technology (Edtech) curriculum for many years. Students continue to learn coding language and logic and begin to use more advanced tech tools and robots. Students learn programming language Scratch as the tasks become more complex, eventually adding complexity to their code scripts and building custom computer games. Both YCIS Puxi and YCIS Pudong offer students from Upper Primary to Lower Secondary have the opportunity to begin using the C programming language for programming microcomputers which helps build a strong foundation for learning other digital languages. 


YCIS Shanghai Secondary students have the chance to work with more complex programming languages, like Python, and the real-time 3D development platform Unity, which is a world leader in the video games industry and is used by many renowned companies like Google, Microsoft, and Uber. 


In the coming week, YCIS Puxi will welcome their STEAM week where students from ECE, primary, and secondary will explore the theme “The Sustainable Festival of Light” through activities and experiments in class. Our parents are also invited to take part in the theme week for a more immersive experience for our students with daily challenges on SeeSaw shared by teachers. Stay tuned for our recap and YCIS Pudong’s STEAM week! 

下周,浦西校区将率先迎来STEAM周。幼教部、小学部和中学部将在接下来的五天时间内,展开以“可持续的光”(The Sustainable Festival of Light)为主题的STEAM探究。为了让学生们能够将学校所学融入他们的日常生活,从而获得更好的科学体验,我们的家长也将通过不同的方式参与其中。我们会在下周五进行回顾与深度采访,请拭目以待孩子们的科技成果吧!

Before the Chinese New Year break, ten YCIS Secondary girls from Pudong and Puxi and four Science Department teachers came together for their first company visit to ExxonMobil as part of the Girls in STEMM programme. Girls in STEMM is an initiative to help close the gender gap in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths, medicine) fields by engaging girls in STEMM early on. Students had to apply for this programme and were selected based on their interest and passion for the initiative, ability to share their experience and learning with the school community, and adeptness to collaborate with other students to make this program meaningful to the school community. We still have four company visits left and look forward to a graduation ceremony at the YCIS Pudong Century Park Campus in April! 

日前,上海耀中也开启了 “STEMM中的女孩”项目,这是一项旨在鼓励女生尽早参与,以缩小STEMM(科学、技术、工程、数学、医学)领域内性别差距的倡议及行动。在春节假期前夕,十位上海耀中高年级的女生和四名科学老师一起来到埃克森美孚公司,通过在第一线的学习,了解专业的工作环境和STEMM工作的日常。接下来,我们的学生还将走入其他四家此领域中的顶级公司访问、学习。4月份,在世纪公园校区,我们将迎来这群女生的”毕业典礼”!未来,上海耀中将持续开展此类活动,为将来有志于STEMM领域的女生们提供平台。


Participation in events in and out of school show our students’ skills as critical thinkers who can adapt the lessons from their classroom and deliver their knowledge to the community. We are excited to see how they participate and apply STEAM knowledge in and out of school in the future!  


国际学校网《对话上海耀中外籍人员子女学校校友Patrick 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/14079.html


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