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What's Up with Alumni


Over the past few years, Yew Chung and Yew Wah (YCYW) schools have been seeking more and more opportunities to engage with former students who have graduated and moved on to pursue their studies in top universities or begun their careers around the world. YCYW alumni already have an impact and are leaders in their respective industries.   


Last Friday, YCIS Shanghai Puxi invited Jialong, Class of 2011, James, Class of 2017, and Romir, Class of 2021, to share their experiences with current Year 12 and 13 students. Jialong encouraged the IB students with his own stories and shared some words of wisdom: "whether you are studying for IB or university, or even entering the workforce, you need to work hard, use yesterday as a foundation for today, and improve every day."  

上周五(2月18日),上海耀中(浦西)邀请了2011届的Jialong Woo、2017届的James Collingson和2021届的Romir Williams为Y12和13的同学们分享了自己的经历。他们提到了自己如何备考大学、也聊到了在毕业后如何求职,如何解决工作上的难题等,令同学们受益匪浅。Woo鼓励同学说,“无论是IB学习还是大学学习,甚至是进入工作,你需要做的就是让自己更加努力,以昨天作为今天的基础,每天进步。”


We love inviting alumni onto campus as they serve as a relatable example of the positive impact a YCIS Shanghai education has on shaping the exciting career paths of our future graduates. Stay tuned to hear more about our upcoming alumni events! 


Learning More Memorable with Theme Days 


Last Friday, students and teachers at YCIS Pudong Century Park Campus showed up to school as fantastical beasts, heroes, and villains as part of the third English Language and Literature theme day for Years 7 – 13. We aim to help students connect their reading and learning to something fun by challenging them to think of ways to represent various aspects of our English curriculum in creative ways. 


The English Language Department chose the theme “Fantasy February” as there are multiple series that our students enjoy reading such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and The Chronicles of Narnia series.   

英语语言部门的老师们知道学生喜欢奇幻类书记如《指环王》、《哈利波特》和《纳尼亚传奇》系列等,因此将主题定为了 "奇幻二月 “。

Our Year 12 students say Theme Days "give us a fresh look at literature", "are a good way to express yourself and show the enjoyment of what we are reading", and "are an opportunity to be different at school."     

12年级的学生提到, "通过主题日,我们对文学作品有了新的认识","是一个表达自己的好方法,显示了我们对阅读的喜爱","让我们有机会可以与众不同"。   

How to Shape our Values and Influence Learning?


Recently, our Year 12 students came together to enjoy a panel discussion investigating how the arts shape our values and influence our knowledge. The expert panel consisting of Drama, Music, Visual Art, Literature, and Chinese Studies teachers participated in intellectual discussion and debate as one of the unique experiences in the Theory of Knowledge course, part of the IB Diploma Programme. Students asked insightful questions and teachers drew upon fascinating cultural examples to connect their classroom learning and the wider world. Students were inspired as thinkers to gain a deeper appreciation for contributions the Arts can make to society flourishing in the 21st century. 


国际学校网《上海耀中外籍人员子女学校精彩活动集锦 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/14850.html


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