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  On the campus of Thomas Primary School in early summer, the grass and trees are cheerful and the flowers are blooming. The sun shines through the leaves of the tree, and there was full of vigor everywhere and so was our Thomas students.



  Some of them dressed up as Spider-Man, Ultraman, Hulk, Monkey King, Harry Potter, and some dressed up as Pikachu, Conan, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Super Mary, Princess Alice...




  Although from different countries, different times, but without exception in the playground to find something. Come forward to find out, originally everyone is running to find the eggs!



  Guess what eggs was that fascinated them? Yummy snacks? Fun toys? Good books? No, no, no, neither... The answer may surprise you: the phonics test.



  What? Do you dress up for the test? Assessment with so much trouble?? Assessment can also make children so flocking???


  那可不,要不怎么配得上我们托马斯“玩中学”的名号呢!你瞧,在这场“Thomas Phonics Egg Hunt Adventure(上海托马斯实验学校自然拼读彩蛋大冒险)”中,每位探险小勇士都手握三枚彩蛋,自信地走到老师身旁,展开自然拼读闯关之旅。“A red bug is in the cup”“I wish a fish in my dish”“I see a cat sit on a mat”……小勇士们大声地朗读着。

  Yes! How else can we live up to Thomas's name of "learning while playing"? You see, in the "Thomas Phonics Egg Hunt Adventure", each young adventuer confidently walks up to his teacher with three colored eggs in his hand and starts his journey through the Phonics. "A red bug is in the cup," "I wish A fish in my dish," "I see A cat sit on A mat," the little warriors read aloud.


  即便有些单词不认识,发音不确定,但在老师的鼓励下,也都勇敢地念了出来。正如墙上的标语所说的那样:It’s okay to not know, but it’s not okay to not try. (不懂没关系,但你得去尝试) ,老师们耐心地引导着,孩子们努力地尝试着。 Even if some words do not know, pronunciation is not sure, but under the teacher's encouragement, they also bravely read out. Just as the sign on the wall said: It's okay to not know, but It's not okay to not try. The teachers patiently led and the children tried hard.


  After completing the challenge of reading words, sentences and paragraphs aloud, the teachers will not only give verbal praise to the young champions, but also give them chocolate golden eggs as encouragement. As for the children's deficiencies, the teachers also recorded them one by one and gave them targeted guidance and exercises in the subsequent teaching.



  Phonics is a teaching method for children in English-speaking countries to learn the pronunciation and spelling of English and to improve their reading ability and comprehension. By directly learning the pronunciation rules of 26 letters and letter combinations in words, the students can establish the perception of letters and letter combinations and pronunciation, so that the students can achieve the effect of "being able to read by seeing characters and be able to write by listening to sounds"


  At Thomas, we believe that phonics should be fun to learn. Because we firmly believe that only by stimulating children's interest in learning, children can be good at learning and fall in love with learning. Therefore, in everyday English classes, you will find that after the teacher explains the basic knowledge points, he will lead the children to sing chants to help the children pronounce correctly in the catchy melody. Teachers will also use some multimedia games, let the children in the game to further consolidate what they have learned.


  In order to better help students master phonics, the English teachers of the primary school have put a lot of effort into it. In addition to actively looking for various high-quality resources to provide phonics online courses for children, we have also started a phonics research project to integrate phonics in class and create an English context for students by combining phonics with English reading, so as to help students improve their reading ability. Such an attempt and research has also been widely praised by the Putuo District primary school English teaching circle.


  Who says study must be boring! At Tomas, such an edutainment feast is a daily occurrence. Because we hope that every child's learning is happy, learning knowledge is active.






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