规避风险 安全至上
Protect our own safety
Last week, all the seventh-grade students of Hangzhou School visited the National Security Anti-terrorism Publicity and Education Base in Jinshan District. Everyone deeply felt the importance of counter-terrorism.
The education base introduced eight types of common terrorist attacks and risk avoidance knowledge, including explosive attacks, vehicle collisions, slashing attacks, drone attacks, network security, etc. Students also learned how to identify suspicious persons and avoid falling into extreme religious and The trap of a cult.
Among them, a video of a collision of terrorist horror incidents gave a huge visual visual visual.
In the event of an attack, the method of escape is especially important. As demonstrated in the exhibition, you must first get down quickly and look for the exit. When evacuating, you need to act cautiously to avoid stampedes. After reaching a safe place, you need to rescue yourself and each other, and finally assist the police. investigation. In normal times, you also need to be more familiar with the surrounding environment, and pay attention to fire-fighting equipment and safety exits.
In addition, the lecturers also introduced the skills of AED rescue. Let students have basic rescue knowledge.
Although the visit time is very short, the students can raise their vigilance against terrorist attacks after watching it. We hope that students, no matter where they are, can realize the importance of protecting their own safety and prevent problems before they happen.
- 上一篇:武汉大学:当第1892位武大学生,拿出她的成绩单……
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