演习结束,同学们迅速在班级集合,老师和同学们一起总结地震逃生自救演习经验,指出演习不足之处,并加以改正。本次地震自救演习活动达到了预期目标, 让同学们能够真正体会到生命重要性及遇到危险时如何自救求生手段。地震危险不可怕,只要掌握如何应对危险的方式方法,就能在危险中安全脱险,此次地震安全教育及实战演习活动圆满结束。
As the safety education is as important as the study, teacher plans to have a earthquake drill to enhance the knowledge of the seismic safety. So this Friday, students had an earthquake drill in HBBSS.
Before the earthquake drill, the homeroom teacher provides the examples of the place which have been destroyed by earthquakes. In this way, the pictures can demonstrate the importance for learning the ways to protect and prevent yourselves from being hurt by the destruction of earthquake. Then, teachers introduce us the importance of earthquake drill, and the seismic safety.
As the alarm sang, students had the queue immediately and got out of the building instantly under the guidance of teachers. Just after a few minutes, students gathered on playground with order. After that, we organize the queue and went back to our classroom.
The earthquake drill was successfully completed as students all learnt the ways to protect themselves as the dangers come. Through this event, students can strength and boost their sense of the safety awareness and would endure their knowledge and importance through their heart!
Safety First!
- 上一篇:万源城协和双语学校:微雨众卉新,一雷惊蛰始
- 下一篇:没有了
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