这次学生发言中,五年级王莞清以“A New Beginning”为主题,她回顾了过往三年的生活和学习,以一种新的态度面向未来。同时,她也关注到了人工智能的最新发展,以自身的眼光对未来提出了设想:“人工智能会发挥巨大的作用,但人类也无法被取代。”未来已来,我们的杭校学子也做出了自己的回答。
六年级的李垣墨则以“Embrace Our Youth”为主题,提出我们需要找到并发展自己的天赋,同时她也提出了一些学习的方法与巧思,不断提高自身的学习素质。谈及未来,她认为ChatGPT以及Open AI会改变人类世界,而我们也势必因此做出改变。
九年级的张瑞琪以“To Be a Lifelong Learner”为主题,提出我们需要成为一个终身学习者,不断发掘自己的兴趣,探索学习,而这些宝贵的经历最终会丰富我们的人生。
After a winter holiday, Hangzhou Bay Bilingual School welcomed all students in February. Finally, after so many days, the students returned to the campus, and jubilant laughter returned to the school. The new semester is beginning!
During the afternoon of February 14, the opening ceremony began promptly. Middle schoolers all came to the auditorium feeling happy and excited. When Principal Yuan gave his speech, the students' dedicated expressions showed their urgent feelings for the opening.
As Principal Yuan introduced, student representatives began to give their speeches. Through their address, we can find spirit and growth.
Cathy from Grade 5 talked about "A New Beginning." She reviewed the life and study of the past three years and chose to use a new attitude to face the future. Meanwhile, she also paid attention to the latest progress in artificial intelligence and predicted the future, "Artificial intelligence will be beneficial, but it will never replace humans." Nevertheless, the future is coming, and the school's students have responded to it.
Sixth Grader Momo chose" Embrace Our Youth" as the topic and pointed out that we must discover and improve our talent. She also indicated learning methods and ideas and the spirit of continuously improving oneself. About the future, she thought that ChatGPT and Open AI would change the people's world, and we should also make changes.
Rachel from class 9-4 spoke about "To Be A Lifelong Learner." She said we must be lifelong learners, constantly finding our interests and exploring learning. These precious experiences will eventually enrich our lives.
After the student representatives gave their speeches, Principal Jin heartily delivered her message to the students for the new semester. Principal Jin shared a lot of her thoughts with the students, especially her consideration for the future: what is an education that focuses on the future? What is the kind of talent the world will need in the future? The firm words "There has to be someone to study SARS" from one of Principal Jin's former students, and I believe everybody would have this kept in their mind and be moved by it, and the students have a clearer understanding of what the talents the world needs in the future.
Finally, the students had their semester stars. As Principal Yuan announced one after another awarded students' names, everyone applauded cheerfully, louder and louder every time.
The new semester began, and the dormitory also began its long-awaited excitement. Everyone set the rules and cleaned the room together. The roommates chatted as they did their work, as though a familiar atmosphere had never disappeared. I believe they will harvest a long and valuable friendship during their time at the dormitory.
The warm life at the school is like a piece drawing, slowly opening before our eyes. The most beautiful colors in this painting are humorous and knowledgeable teachers, confident students, and loving staff. I wish every student at HBBSS could have a happy and whole life on campus.
- 上一篇:2月15日上海金山杭州湾双语学校小学部开学典礼
- 下一篇:没有了
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