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SCBS aims to develop students into physically and mentally healthy young people, who act with integrity. Guided by the values of Harmony, Trust, and Decency, the school has gradually developed a multidimensional and comprehensive student management system through long-term practice, which focuses on the growth and development of students in all aspects.



Innovative House System


After entering SCBS, all our students are allocated to a particular House randomly. Our four Houses are named after four great people – Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and Tu Youyou.


This academic year, we have made innovative breakthroughs in the transformation of the college management model. We have attempted to transfer the management authority of the House from the mentors to the students, and delegated the planning and organizing responsibilities of most House activities to the elected student council president and core student leaders. Each House is managed independently by the student council president team, with teachers providing guidance and assistance. For example, this series of House logos were designed by members of the Houses.


When students shift from being participants to organizers within a group, they have more opportunities to contribute their talents to the collective. Student-led activities planned and organized by the students themselves have a wider audience, higher levels of participation, and greater impact. For example, A music festival called “le voulait carnival” organized by the middle school department received enthusiastic responses from students.


Under the guidance of the school's Communist Party branch, the school has formed a Youth League Committee and Young Pioneers organization, regularly organizing various activities to allow students to showcase their talents. The school has also established a student journalist team and organize the Host Competition, allowing students to exert their subjective initiative and providing them with more opportunities to showcase their strengths. 


Bilingual and Bicultural Tutor System


The school adopts a "bilingual and bicultural" whole-staff mentorship management model to provide students with diversified cultivation and guidance. The school assigns a Chinese tutor and a foreign tutor to each class, who work together to not only help students improve their academic performance but also manage their daily lives with care.


During the tutor time every morning, tutors will complete a register of student attendance, collect assignments and deliver the PSHE programme. There are also many educational seminars that deliver life skills to the students. In addition, the tutors close communication with parents, provide effective feedback on students' academic performance, and work together to help students grow and improve.At the end of the semester, the tutors give comments to each student's parents, summarising their progress.


Quality Management of Grade


At SCBS, there is a head of grade for each grade. Each grade has comprehensive and independent management based on actual situations. Meanwhile, the grade leader system has promoted communication between Chinese and foreign mentors.


Each grade has a morning assembly once a week, which focuses on educational activities for students. Through presentations, performances, competitions and other forms, students' public speaking and expression abilities are developed, communication skill is promoted and their sense of being part of collective and responsibility is enhanced.


To set positive student examples, each House, grade and student club will regularly award our students according to their performances. We hope to encourage more students to continue striving for excellence in academics and leadership.


Mental Health Education


The school aims to develop students into physically and mentally healthy young people, who act with integrity. At SCBS, the focus on students' physical and mental health, as well as their social-emotional well-being, is reflected in their daily learning lives. Both tutors and subject teachers are attentive to observing each student's personality, strengths, and emotional needs, giving encouragement to students to pursue their interests and talents, and inspiring them to be proactive in their learning.


The Primary and Secondary Schools are equipped with a counseling room and full-time counselors to provide one-on-one psychological counseling for students and personalized family education guidance for parents. In terms of parent-school communication, the Psychology Department will regularly send psychological tips to parents, providing professional advice on child and adolescent development, family education, parent-child communication, etc. as well as one-to-one, personalised guidance.


In the primary school's psychological courses, teachers use activities such as picture books, games, and role-playing to help students learn emotional management and how to get along with peers, and provide individualized coaching for students with different needs.We also have psychological activities to help students cope with different challenges in their growth, such as bilingual "Psychology Newsletters", "Pistachio Wall", Anti-Bullying Week, etc., to encourage the children to learn from hands-on activities.


At SCBS Middle School, we value the mental health of our students. The counseling room is open during students' break time every day to receive visits from students seeking consultation. At the same time, the counseling room also provides dedicated activity hours, welcoming students interested in psychology to experience activities such as sand game.


We also conduct mental health education through various activities. This term, the counseling room primarily uses collective psychological lectures and individual class counseling. Firstly, during the Assembly time, different themes of psychological lectures were conducted for different grades. Meanwhile, we deeply explore each class situation during prep time by conducting psychological group counseling. For example, for the interpersonal communication skills theme of psychological group counseling, we create scenarios of interpersonal conflicts, invite students to play roles and discuss, allowing them to experience the power of "putting oneself in another's shoes" and learn more appropriate ways and skills to resolve conflicts.


Our school has also organized a series of psychological activities with the theme of adolescent education. SCBS has always been concerned about the physical and mental health of every child, and has invited experts to share their knowledge on multiple occasions.


SCBS educational philosophy is centred on the person and holistic, providing a multi-dimensional and all-round education. Our students are full of energy and vitality. The positive and friendly atmosphere on the campus encourages healthy growth of our students and provides them with unlimited opportunities for the future. 

国际学校网《上海康德双语实验学校:多维立体的学生管理 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/38046.html


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