For the past two months or so, students have had to take online classes due to the restrictions of the epidemic and the campus has been extraordinarily quiet. The school has missed each and every student during their absence and is looking forward to the return of all students. And this week, after nearly 70 days and nights of waiting, the students were finally able to return to their familiar campus.
On the first day back to school, teaching and learning proceeded in an orderly manner, with both students and teachers fully engaged in the classroom and ready to take on the fun and challenging learning. The students returned to their familiar campus and classrooms, interacting enthusiastically with teachers and classmates they hadn't seen for a long time. We saw the campus rejuvenated after a long period of silence, as if we had never left each other. While we opened the campus we still provided online learning for families who were unable to come to campus because of illness, family reasons etc.
返校复课的第一天,教学有条不紊地进行,无论是学生还是教师,都全情投入课堂,以饱满的精神状态迎接充满趣味和挑战性的学习。学生重新回到熟悉的校园、课堂,与许久未见的教师和同学热情地交流互动... 我们看到安静许久的校园重新恢复活力,仿佛彼此不曾离开过。当然,对于因家庭或出于疫情考虑原因无法返校的孩子,学校仍然为他们提供与线下课堂同步的线上教学:线下与线上双配合的模式,为全校学生提供高质量的教学。
- 上一篇:广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校线下校园开放日,共同开启迎春探校旅程!
- 下一篇:没有了
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