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Throughout the year, the spirit, resolve and resilience of the students, staff and parents has shone through and allowed us prosper under unusual and trying circumstances. As a result the resilience of our stream has grown immensely and the cohesiveness of our community has been a beacon for everyone associated with JK-EMW to follow.


Resilience is a value that every modern day citizen should aim to embrace – be it parents battling changes in business trends across the country or students and teachers adjusting seamlessly from an on-campus to an online delivery teaching model to ensure that no pupil is left behind in their learning. Students have acquired skills that they never realized they possessed and have become more resourceful and able to respond flexibly to changes in their learning environment.


One main virtue that is sought by universities worldwide in their applicants is the ability to prove how persistence and resilience was evident in their lives. Students in our middle school will already have a head start with this has they can relate their story to their experience in 2022. Students have overcome obstacles to ensure that their learning was not challenged in any way. 


January sees an action-packed month where contributions to the sporting ethos, community spirit and academic performance will be recognised in our end of semester Scholarship Awards Ceremony. Our musicians will get to perform their pieces in front of a live online audience during the ceremony. March sees us embracing Maths Week, Science Week and Careers Week which will allow students to explore talents in these key themes. 


As this semester draws to a close, we would like to thank you for your unwavering support throughout the year. We are all anticipating a strong start to next semester where our community will grow from strength to strength. 


From everyone in JK-EMW, we wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year! After the Chinese New Year break.


国际学校网《上海协和双语教科学校融合课程校长新年寄语 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/33901.html


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