G6G8 | To see all in a mathematical way
Math is closely related to our daily lives. In the mathematical activities organized by middle school teachers, the students carefully selected shape and figures from quotidian objects and analyzed them by creating models, linking math, art, and life together,discovering the aesthetics and take pleasure in mathematics. Different from before, the activities are completed online. The students corresponded with the same enthusiasm and engaged themselves in heated discussions, producing meticulous and stylistic works.
G6 | Scales and 2D Map
The activities in grade 6 featured scale and coordinates. The students found the appropriate scales and condensed buildings or regions onto a piece of paper to paint a map. Some chose their own room or house, others used their neighborhood or school, and some went as far as a planet in the solar system.
The students made full use of different type of measuring tools: rulers, tape measures, perambulator apps, and even their own feet. Using the coordinate plane, the students accurately located objects within the region. They also analyzed the causes of deviations, compared the linear distances and path distances between objects, and estimated the size of furniture and buildings using their scale. After these calculations and analyzations, the students were much more familiar with the use of scale, and gained a much more proficient understanding of the abstraction of objects within a coordinate plane.
G8 | Finding Parabolas in Objects
The G8 Project is centered around their understanding of parabolas. Students opened up their imaginations, and found functions in rabbits’ ears, bridges, pieces of art, instruments, and sports. Students used what they learned in class about graphing parabolas to think about the connection between functions and real life, and learned a lot about the beauty within.
For the calculation and analysis part, students used a variety of tools and websites to help them do calculations and put together the functions based on the knowledge gained in class. They not only learned how to analyze the error of the function, but also can draw, measure, and examine the forces of the object. Under guidance from the teachers, students in Grade 8 can adjust the coefficients to ensure the most accurate parabola possible.
As teachers, we were instantly attracted by the creativity of everyone, and everyone’s way of thinking. The easy-to-follow commentary and the varied explanations can show how many surprises can unfold.
This project carefully structured by teachers were very welcomed by students. The new method of teaching can demonstrate the subtle beauty of math. Wish all students can be observers of daily life and enjoy math!
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