by Heather Xu, Grade 11
大家好!我是来自11年级的徐欣宁 Heather。回顾在青浦协和一年半的求学经历,可以用一个词来形容,那就是“进化”。在青浦协和这个温馨的家庭里,有激励我成长的困难,也处处是包容。在这里,没有一种思想是绝对的,每一个灵魂都被推崇。
Hi, I'm Heather from Grade 11. Looking back at my experience at SUIS Qingpu High School, I have needed to evolve like a species undergoing natural selection. At SUIS Qingpu, there have been difficulties and obstacles similar to those that a creature must face in nature. At Shanghai United International School, thoughts are explored and every soul is honoured. When I joined this school, I felt an atmosphere of growth.
Being the Head Girl of Student Council
The encouragement of teachers and the support and trust of my classmates gave me the courage to run for and eventually earn the role of Head Girl in our Student Council and took on responsibilities for the Disciplinary Committee. I organize cultural events and schoolwide activities, and assign responsibilities through our meetings and formal meeting minutes. Thanks to this experience, I have learned that dreams are achieved through leadership, the allocation of responsibilities and teamwork.
在学校运动会上 On the Sports Day
Being a Member of MUN
代表学校出征 SHAMUN 模拟联合国大会 Attending SHAMUN
For my extracurricular activities, I founded the Debate Club, and became the first team of our high school to participate in the World Scholars Cup. In the process of participating in the competition, I both challenged myself and met many excellent students from other schools.
同时我也参加了学校首届模拟联合国 MUN 社团,虽然时间很紧张,可是每节课我们都努力学习更多的“干货”。两个月的时间里,从零基础的小白,到稳稳主持校内训练的主席。学校还为我们提供前往 SHAMUN 比赛的机会。为了这场比赛,整个社团的人都熬夜写方案。为期两天的会议上,外交技巧和语言逻辑相互碰撞,迸出火花,我们每一位“外交官”都对联合国有了更深层次的理解,为自己所代表的国家提出更合理的解决方案。
I have also participated in the Model United Nations (MUN) at our school for the first time. During the two months of preparation for the event, I grew from a student who had no basic knowledge of the world into a diplomat steadily presiding over the well-being of the people of a country I was assigned. The school also provided us with the opportunity to go to the Shanghai American School MUN event (SHAMUN). For this competition, all members of the club stayed up late to write resolutions that gave personal testimonies, and helped us all build a better understanding of the real world. I constantly come up with new solutions in the interest of the country I represented. Here, diplomatic skills and linguistic logic collided with each other and formed sparks of inspiration. It was really an amazing experience.
Charity, an attitude of life
此外,我也是“协同益进”慈善社的一员,定期组织义卖活动支持贫困儿童。社团里的活动和交流使我对“爱心”有了更多思考。“爱心”可以是力所能及的,可以是一种习惯,还可以是一种生活态度。Last semester, I also joined the Charity Club. The school attaches great importance to charity activities and regularly holds charity sales to support impoverished children.
Recently, the pandemic has ravaged through the entire city of Shanghai, and everyone has been quite worried. When I heard about the need for recruiting volunteers in my community, I immediately signed up. I wore a raincoat, and came to work early. I helped 42 residents (including foreigners, senior citizens, and babies) print health codes and complete forms using their electronic devices. I believe that charity can become a habit ... an attitude of life.
无比想念校园,期待见到久违的同学和老师 Miss the school and friends so much!
I experienced the satisfaction of caring for others. When I heard every “Thank you” from the community residents, I couldn't help but feel the warmth in my heart. I believe that soon we will be able to return to school and meet our friends and teachers!
老师眼中的 Heather
Heather in the eyes of teachers”
王璇老师 Ms. Lisa Wang
Instructor of the first Student Council
of SUIS Qingpu High School
Co-Head of High School, SUIS Qingpu
Heather 是一位综合能力颇为全面,适应能力很强的女孩。高一初入学时,她就显现了成熟与自信,以绝对优势赢得学生会选举。一年的工作中,无论在领导力、沟通力还是工作执行力上,都表现得非常出色,带着第一届学生会成员交上了满意的答卷。相信 Heather 的未来会沿着她坚定的设想一步步实现,期待那一天的到来!
Heather is a girl with exceptional leadership, and the most dependable and adaptable student that I have ever worked with. When she first entered high school, she showed a high level of maturity, well above students of her own age, and great self-confidence. She inspires those around her, which was demonstrated by her gaining an incredibly high number of votes during the Student Council election. She has been a student I could fully trust to communicate with others and in turn transform them into effective members of the Student Council. I wholeheartedly believe that Heather's future will be fully realized as she continues to take striding steps in pursuit of her vision. I looking forward to seeing the amazing woman she will become.
Mr. Anthony Afton Janoo
Head of SUIS Qingpu High School English Department
从 Heather 第一次参加我的英语课起,我就知道这个孩子很有潜力。她自信地说道,“我用一个英语小游戏进行自我介绍吧!”瞬间吸引了同学们的注意。她自信、可靠、积极、有感染力。最令人骄傲的是,Heather 经过几周的努力准备,在世界学者杯上海赛区历史比赛环节,从一百多位优秀学生中脱颖而出,获得第三的好成绩。在 Heather 身上你会看到熠熠星光,也能发现她朴实、谦虚的品质;她对自己充满信心,但丝毫没有自负的影子,这些都是身为协和学子引以为傲的地方!
From the first moment Heather entered my English as a First language classroom, I knew this student was special. She took charge of the class and confidently stated, ‘I want to introduce myself with an English game’. Rarely have I seen a student as confident, dependable, positive, and inspirational. My proudest moment at Shanghai United International School came after weeks of preparation for the World Scholars Cup, and seeing Heather take 3rd place in the history packet competition over 100s of top students from international schools all over Shanghai. Heather is modest and yet she is a Champion. She is confidence and yet she isn’t vain. She symbolizes the beliefs and core values of this school and is an integral part of our SUIS family.
- 上一篇:未来教育发展方向?华南师大附中:以信息化赋能“双减”
- 下一篇:没有了
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