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Learning is far beyond classroom teaching and is intrinsic to our lives. The series of “Versatile XieHe” reports aim to help discover a diverse life in school education from different perspectives. “Whilst Mr. East and Ms. West move one step towards to each other, the gap between the two will be getting ever smaller, and I believe they would finally meet up.” Sticking to the value that “unity in diversity, innovation through collaboration”, XieHe is always dedicated to cultivate world citizenship with a great open vision, where east meets west. In Wanyuan, lives are enriched with colorful and versatile elements, which are huge enrichment to the academic achievements.


Lisa Yang



Bronze medal in the primary school group of the 2019 International Piano Competition


Third prize in the primary school group of 2018 International Piano Competition held in Singapore 

2020年“足迹杯”书法少儿组金奖Gold prize in 2020 Footprints Cup Calligraphy Competition 


Third prize in 2021 Shanghai Zihang Cup Young Engineers Competition


Gold prize in 2021 School Cheerleading Dance Competition in Minhang District 


Electronic Organ Level Nine, Original Music Award


Piano Level Nine

Math Kangaroo Year5 Level3 金奖

It's Me



In the blink of an eye, it has been the 6th year for me to study in SUIS-WY campus. I am Lisa Yang, a sixth grader in Middle School.  It has been an incredible ride in the past few years and I am digging my potentials and getting much better!


I am grateful to my best friend-piano. Playing piano makes me relaxed and playing a piece us music brings me joy than I expected. When, times traced back to the moment, I was only a kindergarten kid to write down my names. The power of time has successfully transformed me into a girl who almost has a natural master of the keys and a variety of ear-pleasing music.


Meanwhile, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the teachers who inspired me every step of the way. I felt so honored to have the chance to be the monitor, the class representative for study and the young pioneer grade leader, through which my abilities have been greatly improved. As for study, it is always the priorities for me. Through my endless effort, I was honored the Star of Subject in almost every subject. Besides that, I am a sport lover. I love swimming, figure skating and sunning. With the deep love for sports, I joined the school cheerleading club and make use of my spare time to practice with my team members.



SUIS WY in My Eyes


我的学校是一个多元化、中西融合的学校。我喜欢学校里古色古香的交畅苑,我喜欢茵茵的操场,我喜欢有各具特色的学科教室和丰富有趣的课堂。我记得学校运动会上大家一起亲密合作、奋斗拼搏,我记得Science Fair上能够为同学们生动介绍主题的场景还有嘉年华上丰富多彩的活动。这就是我喜欢的学校!


I love my school and it is a place where East Meets West. The traditional ancient house in Jiachang Garden, the soccer field, the subject classroom and the interesting lesson depict a lively and beautiful picture of my school life. I actively participated school activities like Science Fair and Carnival to better experience the pleasure of science and the fun that exploring different continents brings to me. These are undoubtedly the integration of the Chinese and Western education which taught me to have global vision and rooted in our own culture.







You are one of the excellent students in my eyes. Your eye-pleasing handwriting, your hard work at studies, your high responsibility to help manage the classroom and your kindness to help other impressed teachers, classmates and parents a lot. It is a great honor to be your teacher and I'm proud for the progress you made and the honor you won for the class with the great team spirit of our class. There is no doubt that you will be and always be one of the shining stars in SUIS! 

——黎继奎  老师

国际学校网《万源学子,绝不简单,见贤思齐好少年! 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/18018.html

了解更多: 学校资讯万源学子


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