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Four Year 11 students Rachel B, Emma L, Christina W, and Maria X recently took part in the IHBB (the International History Bee and Bowl) and achieved great success coming in second in China. This means they have progressed to the next round, which is for teams from all over Asia.

近期,11年级的四位学生Rachel B, Emma L, Christina W, Maria X参加了IHBB国际历史竞赛,并且获得了中国赛区第二的好成绩。她们成功进入下一轮比赛,角逐亚洲赛区的奖项。


(From left to right:  Emma L, Christina W, Rachel B, Maria X)

The four young historians consolidated and expanded their knowledge in the competition. Significantly, they also deepened their relationships through teamwork and enjoyed making progress collaboratively.


'We divided the specification into several different sections so each of us could focus on one of them. We taught each other about the content so each of us would be able to have an opportunity to answer the questions in the contest.'


Learning from History


@ Rachel B  

'One skill that I gained from learning History is understanding the importance of looking at things from different angles before reaching a personal conclusion. For me, History is never the stereotype of learning key dates, but rather it’s about learning fascinating stories from the past; it has enabled me to be curious and be aware of the current events that are happening around me.  In addition, the fact that History is an essay-based subject has helped me tremendously with my academic writing skills; the critical and analytical mindset has also assisted me in all of the other subjects.'


@ Emma L  

'Everyone should learn history. It's the foundation of How and Why everything exists in the modern world. To be able to thrive in society now, we need to learn from our ancestors' successes, experiences and even their mistakes.'


@ Christina W  

'It has been a wonderful experience to participate in IHBB with some of the strongest students in our history lessons. I believe I have benefitted from this event, not only because of the fact that I had the opportunity to consolidate and learn new knowledge beyond our syllabus, but also through the process of cooperation and communication with my teammates. I have found this is vital in terms of future group projects. During the competition, we competed with students from other parts of Beijing with solid knowledge and skills, which inspired me more to continue my future study of history.'


@ Maria X  

'Learning history at Harrow Beijing has piqued my interest in this subject. History broadens and deepens my understanding of current global affairs; I also benefited from being calmer, more logical, and more objective. The greatest thanks go to my teammates, who invested an immense amount of time and effort into this contest.'


国际学校网《北京哈罗国际学校学生荣获国际历史竞赛全国第二名! 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/17168.html


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