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In recent showcase, PE department has presented to us the spirit of sports at Harrow Beijing. Our Physical Education curriculum trusts in the concept of ‘Sport for All’. We believe that regardless of a student’s experience or ability, we can help them find a physical activity that they will not only enjoy, but one which they will hold with them for a lifetime.


Physical Education

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As such, students are exposed to a broad and balanced range of physical activities that combine and enrich the Chinese National Curriculum with the best educational practice from the UK in order to meet the diverse needs of our learners and inspire them to excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities.


By maximising physical engagement and fostering a safe but challenging environment within lessons, we aim to build fun and enjoyable learning experiences for all students whilst striving for mastery and excellence in performance physically, cognitively, creatively, personally and socially/emotionally to create well-rounded sports performers.


Physical Education plays a significant role in providing a holistic education at Harrow Beijing. Students across the school have the opportunity to participate in a number of local and international competitions such as JISAC, ISAC, ACAMIS and FOBISIA and are actively encouraged to develop their performance through participation in PE and Sport LSAs or by undertaking leadership courses and qualifications outside the formal curriculum.

体育在哈罗北京的全人教育中扮演着重要的角色。所有学生都有机会参与国内和国际的体育竞赛,比如JISAC、ISAC、 ACAMIS和FOBISIA,鼓励他们通过竞赛、课外课及领导力资格课程来发展身体机能。

Students also have the opportunity to elect Physical Education at GCSE level, a course designed to engage and inspire students in becoming confident and practical sports people by exposing them to the world of PE, sport and sport science and developing their knowledge and understanding through practical application of how the mind and body works in relation to performance in physical activity. All opportunities provided to our students play an essential role in promoting sporting excellence throughout the school.


For more information regarding Physical Education at Harrow Beijing, please refer to the link at the bottom.

国际学校网《北京哈罗英国学校体育课程:帮助学生找到伴随一生的体育运动 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/17167.html


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(三) 〖北京哈罗英国学校体育课程:帮助学生找到伴随一生的体育运动 〗链接地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/17167.html , 转载时请注明来源及保留本站链接。