Learning is far beyond classroom teaching and is intrinsic to our lives. The series of “Versatile XieHe” reports aim to help discover a diverse life in school education from different perspectives. “Whilst Mr. East and Ms. West move one step towards to each other, the gap between the two will be getting ever smaller, and I believe they would finally meet up.” Sticking to the value that “unity in diversity, innovation through collaboration”, XieHe is always dedicated to cultivate world citizenship with a great open vision, where east meets west. In Wanyuan, lives are enriched with colorful and versatile elements, which are huge enrichment to the academic achievements.
曹 悦 琪
Carol Cao
Carol got to know EHL when she was a 9th grader in school college fair. In the past 4 years, she kept exploring hotel management and other different fields that she was interested in. She also knows what she really wants through continuous self-reflection & self-improvment. All that help her catch her dream: admitted to the world's oldest and most reputable international hotel management school, EHL Hospitality Business & Hotel Management School in Switzerland.
● 全球第一酒店管理学院
● 中国教育部认证的瑞士酒店管理学院
● 国际化程度高
ARSM Piano Performance Only Diploma;
WY Wolves Academic Scholarship of 2019-2020, 2020-2021;
连续两年获得协和万源高中奖学金(2019-2020 & 2020-2021);
1st place in Chinese Public Speaking Competition;
3rd Place in China Thinks Big Competition, Top 20%;
2021 中国大智汇创新研究大赛全国赛三等奖;
AP Scholar with Honor Award;
My experience at Wanyuan
When I first entered SUIS WY, I was fascinated by all kinds of courses and school activities which made me step out of my comfort zone and keep challenging myself. It is SUIS Wanyuan, the place provides me with the platform and opportunities, so I am able to achieve my goals, and meet a better version of myself.
因为从小喜欢舞台,9年级的我就参加了戏剧社团并参演了发胶明星梦这个音乐剧。历时7个月的彩排准备中,我不断地在音乐领域中探索着、提升着。非常感谢音乐老师 Ms Monica, 她教会了我太多音乐相关的知识, 也让我爱上了这个舞台,并通过音乐来寻找真正的自己。我想这也是我在协和最幸运的一点:在老师们的帮助与支持下, 我一直有机会去探索并寻找自己的爱好与擅长的领域。
As a stage lover, I participated in drama club and acted in the annual musical Hairspray when I was a 9th grader. During the 7 months of rehearsal, I kept exploring different aspects of music. I am extremely grateful to my music teacher, Ms Monica, for what she taught me - the knowledge beyond what I could learn in the textbook, she made me fall in love with the stage. Music eventually becomes my passion, and I use it to fulfill myself to be a well-rounded person. Frankly speaking, I feel very lucky being a student at SUIS Wanyuan, because all teachers always give me so much support, help, and encouragements, which empower me the opportunities to seek for the passions and sparks of my life.
从学术方面来看,协和给所有学生提供了一个很好的平台与机会去寻找最适合每个人的方向。多样化的课程与选课机制给了我很多不同的选择。因为我从9年级开始就对泛酒店管理领域很感兴趣,在选择高阶课程时我最终锁定了AP宏微观经济,AP人文地理,AP研讨会等大学先修课程。虽然AP的课程难度较高, 具有一定挑战性, 但它们也为我今后大学阶段的学习打下了扎实有益的基础。在AP经济课中我学到了令我大开眼界的商科相关知识; 而在风趣的Mr.Beniusis 老师的AP人文地理课堂 中,我了解到了全球各地不同的风土文化。我也非常感谢Mr Wergin老师,在他的指导下,我通过AP 研讨会(AP Seminar)初步建立撰写学术论文,演讲,与答辩的能力。所学为所用,在11年级的时候,我与志同道合的几位同学一起参加中国大智汇创新研究大赛 (China Thinks Big), 我们小组以校园加餐运营及管理为主题,对此展开了为期6个月的学术调研,提出了最终合理的改进方法,并以学术演讲与答辩来呈现。在我们升学老师的帮助与指导下,我们小队荣获了全国三等奖。通过此次CTB大赛,我对学术课题也有了更直观更全面的理解。
Academically speaking, SUIS is an inclusive place for everyone to learn what suits them the best , and to find out their own path. The diverse courses give me a lot of freedom when it comes to course selection. Since I was genuinely interested in the hospitality industry started from G9, I choose AP economics, AP Human Geography, and AP Seminar in my junior year. These courses were challenging for me, but they were also absolutely helpful for me to build up a foundation for my future majors: in AP economics, I learned basic business related knowledges. Moreover, with Mr Beniusis’s humorous teaching style, I also gained a general understanding about different culture around the globe in AP Human Geography class. Last but not least, I am very grateful to Mr Wergin. With all his help and guidance, I improved my academic research abilities, such as essay writing, oral defense, and presentation skills in the AP Seminar. I tried to apply what I learned in classroom to solve real world problems, grouped with classmates, I attended the China Thinks Big competition. We aimed at improving the extra-meal system for all international high schools in Shanghai. Within 6 months, we dived in our research and conducted survey, finalized our solution and presented it in the form of academic group presentation & oral defense. With the help and support from our counselor we luckily received the 3rd place in National Round. This experience definately honed my academic research abilities.
从四年前了解专业排名第一的瑞士洛桑酒店管理商学院(EHL)到最终收获我的梦校录取 ,仿佛一切都来的很不真实。但是回望这四年的高中生活,我做了很多与大学专业相关的活动。在校内, 通过参与诸如组织管理音乐类活动,在校内开设西语和英语阅读社团等等, 我的领导力得到了不断的提高。在校外,从十年级开始申请EHL的夏校,虽然因为疫情原因最终没能实地参加,但整个的申请过程,让我更加了解我自己和这所学校,也更加确认了自己今后的职业方向。之后,我积极参与EHL创办的泛酒店管理创意商业竞赛,校友线下、线上见面会,大学招生讲座,并认真地研究EHL官方网站以及他们社交平台如领英、 Instagram等官方账号上分享的丰富多彩的内容。11年级的暑假为期一周的酒店管理实训营,让我有机会学到酒店运营的基础理论并进行实操练习,此次经历不单单加深了我对酒店管理这个行业的认识,也加强了我申请EHL的信心。
4 years ago, from the time I got to know EHL, to right now I finally received the offer from my dream school, everything seemed so unreal. But throughout these 4 years, I did a lot of activities that are closely related to the major I applied to. I had a lot of leadership experience on campus: school concerts, music corner, ECAs, etc. I applied for the summer camp in Grade 10, even though I could not make it due to the Covidc-19 restrictions, I had a better understanding of myself and EHL through the summer school application process. Later, I continuously attended the Hospitality Strategy Case Competition, Open Day and Information Session organized by EHL; other than that, I also keep up with the official website’s information and their updates on different social media platform as LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. Last summer, I attended the Marriott City Center Hospitality Program. From different workshops and certain practical experience, I built my foundation by learning these basic knowledge, and I gained a better understanding about this industry as a whole.
Application Experience Sharing
Actively participate in school activities to enrich your horizons
四年的高中生活不单单是关于GPA的,积极参加各种丰富的校园活动是至关重要的,尤其是那些与你感兴趣的专业相关的活动。它可以是参加校体育队、学术类竞赛、艺术音乐类活动,或者是积极参加社区服务, 这些不单单可以丰富你的校园生活,也有助于你去进一步探索和找寻自己热爱的职业方向。
Four years of high school is not all about GPA, it is extremely important to actively participate in all kinds of school activities, especially major-related ones. No matter they are Sports Teams, or Academic-related Competitions, or Arts & Music activities, or Community Services. Through participating, they can not only enrich your life, but also guide you to explore all the possibilites.
Be mindful, and choose your courses appropriately
USHS curriculum provides students with a wide range of choices and flexibility to choose the courses that fit them well. However, be mindful when you are choosing your courses. The hardest ones might not be the best. Choose the most appropriate level that matches your ability, and also challenge yourself & explore more in the fields that you are interested in most.
Start early for your college essays and interviews
申请季的时候不要拖延!提前规划是很有必要的。申请材料准备包含重要的大小文书及有可能的面试部分等等。要全面、仔细地做好school research。通过申请向你心仪的大学展现出自己为什么会是最合适的人选,以及你能带给大学什么,或者你所能做出的贡献。
When it comes to the application process, don’t procrastinate! It is beneficial to plan ahead. This includes the college essays & interviews (if have any). Do the school research accordingly and thoroughly, showcase the university that YOU are the best fit, and what you can contribute to their communities.
School Ranking Vs. Specialty Ranking
If you are extremely passionate or certain about any specific academic areas that you want to study and explore in the future, it is even more important to consider about the ranking for your major rather than the integrated ranking.
Helpful Resources
-College/University official websites大学官网
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
Where East Meets West
- 上一篇:上海包玉刚实验学校毕业生故事
- 下一篇:没有了
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