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The Shanghai Municipal Education Commission announced on 11th March that all the primary and middle schools shall start online teaching from 12th March. SCBS, like all the other schools within the district, spares no effort in racing with the pandemic. We have to guarantee the quality of our online teaching while ensuring the health and safety of our students and faculty.

During the past weekend, we have finished the requirements of the Municipal Education Committee and the Huangpu Education Bureau, including setting up the online platform, staff training, testing equipment and organising online parent meetings. Meanwhile, we also pay close attention to details and we have made plans according to the school’s unique character.

Everyone is important. SCBS recruits a wide age range of students. For our Primary School parents, online teaching might cause anxiety as they have to go to work and leave the children unattended. The Primary School has set up plans to offer assistance to children who have to take online classes on campus and to arrange teachers and lunch for the children to ensure they can continue their lessons smoothly.      

Each lesson is important. Instead of using a free public platform, the school chose to invest in our SchoolPal platform to guarantee all offline lessons are available online to our students. We also kept the tutor time and students can switch their online classrooms so that they can have the same learning experience as when at school.

Besides guaranteeing the same amount of teaching, we also value the quality of teaching. During the teacher training, both our Chinese and Expat teachers were required to be well-prepared for each lesson. Under the dual alleviation policy, we aim to enhance the quality of online teaching and control the quantity of homework to guarantee the learning progress of our students and reassure our parents.

Every instant is important. The school aims to anticipate any emergencies during the pandemic control. For instance, our teachers might be asked to take the NAT by their residents’ committees and have to pause teaching. Therefore, we have reminded the teachers to be well-prepared before each lesson: if a teacher has to leave the class, he/she has to tell the students immediately, leave a message on the note board and assign learning tasks to the students. 

Meanwhile, the teacher has to ask other teachers for help as soon as possible. We will assign HoGs and tutors to offer support in order to assure the students are supervised at all times in a lesson. 

Although another wave of the pandemic unexpectedly arrived this spring, we have all become ever more steadfast in our mission in education, as well as in our confidence in the city. 







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国际学校网《上海康德双语实验学校开启在线教学 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/16590.html


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