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剑桥大学昨天刚刚公布的录取榜中,康德双语高中部孙梓扬Yang同学成功收获了Girton College物理专业的offer












“在得知我将参加剑桥的面试后,学校的老师们十分关注,并且帮我联系了一位剑桥大学物理专业的往届毕业生,为我提供了模拟面试。” Yang表示在演练过后,他也增添了更多信心。

剑桥大学 Girton College




作为高中部十二年级的导师,Mr. Ali在提到Yang时,赞美之情溢于言表: “Yang是我执教生涯中遇到的最优秀的学生之一。我认为他已经超过了“好学生”的定义。” 

除了在学习方面无可挑外,他还善于与同学们社交,富有幽默感。在课余时间,Mr. Ali也注意到,Yang并不会一直捧着书本,而是积极地参与到体育活动中。“我知道他很擅长打篮球和乒乓球,有时我也会加入和学生一起切磋球技。我认为学生能具备平衡学习与活动的能力十分重要。”



The University of Cambridge released the 2022 offer results yesterday. Our G12 student Ziyang Sun successfully received a place for October this year to read Natural Sciences at Girton College. In all of the four A-Level exams, Yang had received straight A*s.

When talking about his application experience, he said that as long as you have a deep understanding of the subject of your interest, the admission officers would be impressed by your passion for academics.   

"All About My Interest"

Yang began to have interest in Maths and Physics when he was a middle school student. After getting into the SCBS High School, he kept thinking about how he could have more breakthroughs in academics. “I changed my study methods and improved my efficiency.”

In Yang’s opinion, he believes that Physics is the most fundamental subject among all natural sciences, and this is the main reason that he chose it as his major in college. Besides following the teachers’ instructions at school, Yang often did extra studies independently and explored various physics topics.

“Actually I didn't set Cambridge as my goal before,” Yang said, “after studying at our High School, I gradually had the confidence to consider applying for Oxbridge, and when I got my A-Level grades, I started my application.”

As the best course in Cambridge, the Natural Sciences Department is very strict. The applicants had to pass both a written test and an oral interview.

source: University of Cambridge- Natural Sciences

Yang told us that his interview questions could not be simply answered with numbers or definitions. The interviewer examined whether the students had logical thinking skills, and whether they have an in-depth understanding of physics topics. "During the interview, I had to respond quickly to all the questions, which was actually examining whether the applicant can adapt to the pace of study at Cambridge."

"The Help from SCBS"

"After knowing I would have the interview with Cambridge, all of my teachers were very concerned. They contacted a former graduate of Cambridge University's Physics Major for me, and we had a mock interview together." Yang said that after the drill, he gained more confidence.

Girton College, University of Cambridge

"I think the SCBS teachers are very friendly. They always welcome us to ask questions at any time. My personal statement was also carefully revised by my teachers, which was very helpful to me."

Besides the help from the teachers, Yang also believed that he had learned a lot from his classmates. Compared with other subjects, Yang’s was relatively not very good at Economics. Therefore, he often asked for help from his classmates to discuss questions together and learn from each other in group studies.

"The Passion for Life"

As the G12 tutor, Mr. Ali Farhadzadega commented that Yang is “exceptionally awesome”, “he is one of the best students I have ever met in my teaching career.”

Besides his academic excellence, Yang is also good at communication with others and has a sense of humour. Mr. Ali also noticed that after classes, Yang often participates in sports activities such as playing basketball and ping-pong. “I think it’s very important for students to balance their study and life.”

Yang looks forward to his new life at Cambridge and hopes to have further research on physics. He will continue to follow his passion and explore his interests. 

At SCBS, teachers always guide our students to show off their talents and encourage them to be the best they can be. Our teachers spare no effort to support the students for their success in all aspects. Congratulations to Yang again, and we wish him a very successful and fulfilling future in Cambridge.







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国际学校网《上海康德双语实验学校孙梓扬同学斩获剑桥大学自然科学专业offer! 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/12974.html


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