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As the Autumn term draws to an end, our multitalented primary students have been showing off all they’ve been learning under the careful guidance and supervision of our wonderful expressive arts team. Performing classic plays, and with rhythmic melodious musical acts all on the stage, it’s been quite an ending to the semester.


座无虚席的礼堂里欢乐无限,礼堂外的节日气氛也丝毫不减。二年级学生在初小音乐老师 Gerren Vincent的带领下,进行了一场小小的 “歌唱巡演’。他们走遍校园各个角落,为老师和同学们献上动听的节日歌曲,把快乐和温暖带给世青社群的每一个人。

In addition to the more formalised performances in the auditorium, this month our Grade 2 students have also been spreading the festive spirit throughout the BWYA campus, as they went around carolling for any class that would enjoy a short burst of joy and song! Led by our lower primary music teacher Mr. Gerren Vincent, angelic voices filled the BWYA corridors and classrooms this wintertime. 

12月15日(周三),万众期待的小学冬季汇演把节日的气氛推向了高潮。在忙碌的筹备阶段,我们向此次汇演的组织者、世青高小部戏剧老师 Quintus Aslett了解了今年演出的亮点内容。他介绍道:“与往年相比,今年我们的试镜次数和表演节目数量远超过去。因为我们有太多才华横溢的学生,筛选节目就成了我最困难的决策。今年,表演的种类也更加丰富。除了音乐剧、舞蹈、歌唱等经典项目,我们还将在舞台上呈现多种乐器演奏和不同类型的舞蹈表演。”

Finally, the Winter Festival brough the festive spirit to a climax this Wednesday. Earlier this week during the busy preparations, we spoke with BWYA drama teacher and overall event coordinator, Mr. Quintus Aslett, to find out what made the year’s performance so special! 

“We had more auditions this year than ever before, and have squeezed more acts into the show than previous years, there were just so many talented kids! It was very hard to choose between them actually, probably some of the toughest decisions we’ve had to make. This year there is a great variety of musical, dance, and singing items, and you will also see a variety of instruments and dance styles on the stage.” 


For those of you who joined online, we hope you enjoyed it just as much as we did in person, and we’d like to wish you a very happy and restful Christmas break. 

国际学校网《北京世青国际学校小学冬季汇演圆满落幕 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/11795.html


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