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“设计可以是创新的,美丽的,有趣的,无聊的,以及前沿的……但其实本质上,设计是一个循环过程。它需要在一个循环系统中不停探索为复杂的问题找到解决方案。通过探究问题(Define),提出方案 (Discover),制作方案 (Develop),评估方案 (Deliver) 这四点循环,持续对设计进行优化。” 


“Design can be innovative, beautiful, interesting, boring, cutting edge, and more, but at its heart, design is a cycle. Constantly exploring, finding solutions to complex problems, and following the pattern of defining problems, discovering ideas, developing prototypes and delivering a product, this four-point cycle keeps the design process flowing.” 

——Celia Fu 


Picture from:British Design Council          


Recently, our Grade 7 design students took on a special challenge – converting stories from middle school Chinese text books into an accessible form for younger children. With concepts and skills learnt in their design class, they made pop-up books, and recently went to our lower primary school to share their 3D stories with our younger students. 



This challenge was not an academic study of design theory, but fully exercised students’ innovative and creative abilities. Students learned how to engage with the interests and needs of another group in the process of making their books and sharing their stories, and developed both their head-knowledge, handcraft-skills, and heart-interest and passion for quality design. Let’s listen together to BWYA design teacher Celia Fu’s introduction to this unit in the short video below.


国际学校网《北京世青国际学校设计课堂的新挑战 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/12870.html


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