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国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校



Graduation Party for G11: Never Say Goodbye

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校



    Time flies, and its graduation season again, which marks another group of students who are about to leave campus and go on to higher institutions for further study. In this parting season, the International High School Section of Walton International School Xuzhou held a graduation dance party themed with "Never Say Goodbye" in the conference room on the first floor on June 23, 2020. Principal Xia  Yuejie, vice principal Bian Donghua, deputy director of international high school Mrs. Xu Lin, director of foreign teachers David, homeroom teacher Li Qiushi and all teachers of international high school were present to celebrate – and let’s not forget the stars of the show, allthe high school students who participated in the activity, as well as some students from grade 9 who also showed their support.

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

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The party began with a wonderful group dance. Then deputy director Mrs. Xu Lin and David delivered speeches in turn, which not only expressed the sincere wishes and feelings of the graduates, but also put forward some suggestions and ardent hopes, to encourage the students to continue learning and achieve their dreams in the future.

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校
国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校
国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校



The songs, dances and other programmes that followed showed the students’ artistic characteristics. The performers displayed their own specialties and brought a feast of vision and hearing for the teachers and students in the audience. They expressed their youth and vitality in the cheerful rhythms on display, which won the cheers of the crowd. Finally, the evening had to come to an end with the blessing and expectation of the teachers, as well as the inevitable nostalgia and reluctance of the graduates.

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校



Youth does not end. Today's parting is not the end, but a new beginning. The road ahead may be bumpy, but it can't stop graduates from marching forward.

To that end, we look forward to seeing where they will go on the next stage of their journey. 

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校


The prom is a traditional ceremony for the International High School Section of Walton International School Xuzhou. It not only provides an international graduation ceremony for graduates, but also provides a good platform for enriching students' extracurricular life and exercising their ability of unity and cooperation. At the same time, in the spare time, international high school div also provides rich and colourful activities, providing more opportunities for students to show their abilities and develop a variety of interests, such as board games, Halloween activities, and volunteering to name just a few. In a series of activities, students' abilities in all aspects can be fully displayed and practiced.

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校学生活动——制作火鸡国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

 国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校娱乐活动——桌游国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校

国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校学校活动——圣诞晚会

国际学校网《国际高中|我们的青春不散场 - 徐州华顿国际学校》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/9458.html

了解更多: 国际高中


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