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  In order to support students to pass the stringent selection process of top universities, including the interviews, the school has arranged teachers with relevant knowledge to guide the students through mock interviews and counselling sessions. Experienced teachers from Singapore HQ will also personally guide the students. We hope that students from Nantong Stalford International School will be able to shine and receive offers from their dream universities. Let us all give our warmest wishes to Kitty Li Yi. May she pass her interviews with flying colours and receive an offer from Oxford University.   



  Lots of offers to great universities are on their way to NTSIS, the best is yet to be......


  Graduates of Nantong stalford International School have received 78 offers from 6 countries and regions, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and Singapore. 


  Those offers include Singapore National University, Imperial College London, King’s College London, University College London, University of Edinburgh, University of Manchester, University of Birmingham, Newcastle University, University of Leeds, Art Institute of Chicago, Rhode Island School of Design, School of Visual Arts, University of Sydney, and Waseda University.



  Diversified Choices of Majors


    The diversity of opportunities and college counselors at Stalford provide students to apply various majors they are interest in such as accounting, finance, business management, civil engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, computer science, design, education, economics, finance, mathematics, material science, pharmacology, psychology, and photography. 



  Diversified choices of Countries



  #Q“Where do you want to study?”

  When asking this question, students should first realize that Nantong Stalford curriculum is a Singapore elite program that provides them with a first-class preparation for their future after graduating from Stalford. Students follow a course of study with a global reputation for academic excellence, and universities throughout the world recognize Singapore education as an entrance qualification to top 100 universities.


南通思德福国际学校 · 预约看校

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