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阳光运动 快乐成长



  At 9 p.m. on November 12, all the students and teachers of Nantong Stalford International School (NTSIS) gathered in the gymnasium to hold the 7thSports Day.




  The flag team, composed of teachers and students from PYP, was the first to appear at the opening ceremony, holding the flags of where they come from in the world, followed by the China’s flags team, which started the ceremony with a bang.


  顾校长发表了热情洋溢的开幕式致辞,勉励学生在运动会努力拼搏,锻炼体魄和毅力,展示团队精神,以优异成绩为班级争光,为团队添彩。 运动员代表李一与裁判员代表王可沁老师宣誓后,Lisa女士宣布运动会开幕!

  The teams from each class then marched in an orderly and dignified pace. Each class was given the opportunity to showcase themselves. Some waved flags and danced with vigor; others held up flowers with enthusiasm. Some classes changed formation with loud slogans while others marched with gusto. They were vibrant and enthusiastic and won much applause and cheers of encouragement from the audience.Principal Gu delivered an energetic opening speech, encouraging students participate with perseverance and to display team spirit After that, athletes' representative Li Yi and the referee's representative Wang Keqin took the oath to uphold the spirit of the Sports Game and Ms. Lisa declared that the Sports Day open! Everyone then congregated at the field for the next section.




  The Sports Day may have a different theme each year, but the educational objective of integration between the best of East and the West remains the same. Everyone is an athlete and a participant. While competing for individual performance, teamwork and sharing the joy of sports remain key. With these key ideas in mind, the students and teachers were divided into red, yellow, purple and blue groups. Each group comprised a mixture of members from the upper to lower grades, and the final group score was used to determine the winner. The purpose is to develop the spirit of senior students leading the younger students, helping each other and working as a team.




  Out in the field, it was a bright and sunny day and colorful flagsfluttered with the breeze. There are many group events in the competition, such as "Tug of War” and "Hoops and Hurdles” etc. It was fun for the students to participate and they did so actively. With the organization of the team leader and the cooperation of the senior and junior team members, the students passed through one level after another and finally the whole group of more than 20 students worked together which brought the activity to the climax.

  In the afternoon, it was the track and field competition. The athletes, through active preparation and diligent practice before the competition, strove hard and surpassed themselves on the field. The teachers and students in the spectator area were cheering, and school field was filled with laughter and sunshine.



  本届运动会,是体育的盛会,更是欢乐嘉年华,体现出全校学生人人参与、个个争先的生动场景,更生动诠释本届运动会“阳光运动,快乐成长” 的主旨。相信全体师生员工一定在运动会上所展现的饱满的激情、昂扬的斗志、勇于拼搏的精神投入到学校各项工作之中,取得优异成绩促进学校全面健康发展。


  This year's sports day is not only a sports event, but also a joyful carnival, reflecting the main theme of this year's sports day which is to "Exercise with Joy". With passion, integrity and courage, we manage to foster an environment where teamwork remains critical, and we will also developed as a school together.


南通思德福国际学校 · 预约看校

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