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IJSO 2021 Awards



  Recently, the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2021 closing ceremony (primary school group) was held online. Shanghai High School International Division (SHSID) achieved a remarkable accomplishment with three Gold awards, eight Silver awards, nine Bronze awards, and two awards in Best in Experiment Design Task in the final round. Congratulations!


▲ 金奖获得者和校长合影

Gold Prize winners with Principals


  国际青少年科学奥林匹克竞赛整合了物理、化学和生物三大领域,是自然科学最高水平的青少年国际活动,2021年第一次开放了小学组的竞赛, 新增了Level 1 (面向3-4年级)和Level 2 (面向5-6年级)两个程度。

  IJSO is the best international competition for teenagers that combines physics, chemistry, and biology in natural science field. In 2021, IJSO welcomed participants in primary school for the first time, adding Level 1 (for grades three and four) and Level 2 (for grades five and six).


  In March, we had a number of students signed up for the competition in the school. After the first round of selection in school, students used lunch recess time to carry out specific practices and training. There were several students that successfully passed the first round, and at last 20 students won the prize in the final competition.


  原四年级金同学继初赛获得了个人和团队一等奖后,在决赛中获得了Level 1的金奖。经过这段时间的努力,他感触良多: “通过这次比赛,我学习到很多有趣的科学知识,学会了实验方案的设计,学会用科学的角度看待生活中的现象和我们周围的世界。感谢学校和老师们给我提供这样的平台与机遇,老师们整整一个学期都在给参赛同学们培训;我还要感谢和我在初赛中并肩作战的队友们,虽然没有能够在决赛中组队合作参赛,但他们对我的鼓励和支持给予了我很大的动力。”

  Daniel, current fifth-grade student, won the Gold prize in Level one after winning the first prize for both individual and team competition in the first round. He has a lot to share:

  “Through this competition, I learned plenty of interesting science knowledge, the experiment design, and how to look at the world around us in a scientific point of view. I appreciate that SHSID and the teachers provided me with this unique platform and opportunity to develop. Our teachers used a whole semester to train us and answered our questions in the summer holiday. I also want to thank my teammates who worked together in the first round. Though we didn’t participate in the final round together as a team, they still encouraged me and supported me all the way through.”


  原五年级张同学 在决赛中获得Level 2 的金奖和最佳实验设计奖双满贯,在获奖后他说到:“感谢爸爸妈妈从小对我的科学启蒙,阅读了大量科学探索类的书;感谢学校举办的Science Ted Talk, Brainstorm等活动让我受益良多,特别是每年都参加的Science Fair,我非常享受动手设计实验,向同学们介绍我们组实验的成果。一个简单的现象往往需要多种科学知识才能更好的理解和解释。”

  Ryan, current sixth-grade student, won two prizes including the Gold Award in Level two and the Best in Experiment Design Task Award in Level two. He said:

  “I appreciate that my parents have been helping me cultivate scientific mindset by reading plenty of books on science and discovery since I was little. I also learned a lot from the school activities such as Science Ted Talk and Brainstorm. Especially thank to the science fair, the annual activity held by SHSID, in which I enjoyed doing experiment and explaining my experiment result to my peers. In order to explain an obvious phenomenon, one often needs sound and solid scientific knowledge.”


  No pain, no gains. SHSID students made this tremendous achievement due to their hard work and diligence in everyday learning. Our students are not afraid of difficulties and showed a positive mindset to challenges, while in teamwork, they are willing to support each other and share great opinions.


  We are looking forward to having more students who can make achievements and work hard to realize their dreams!




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