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李凌志同学于2014年6月毕业于上海中学国际部,同时以45分满分的成绩获得IB课程毕业文凭。从上中国际部毕业后即入读剑桥大学数学系,并于2017年6月以一等荣誉资格毕业。本科毕业后他在麻省理工学院攻读硕士,后继续留校攻读运筹学博士,现已于2022年2月份获得麻省理工大学运筹系博士学位。李凌志同学近日喜获美国哈佛大学商学院终身制助理教授(tenure-track assistant professor)一职,并第一时间与学校分享了这个喜讯。



根据最新统计,上中国际部2022届毕业生截至2022年1月已收获美本录取100多份,其中含美国常春藤盟校或美国新闻与世界报道周刊(U.S. News & World Report) 2022年度美国综合性大学排名前10的美国大学录取通知8份。学校于多年前完成了“哈耶普斯麻”美本录取大满贯,今年在早申请阶段中收获来自加州理工学院的首份本科录取,创造了学校美本录取的新历史。


Dr. Li Lingzhi graduated from SHSID in June 2014 with a score of 45 (out of 45) and got high school diploma from the world-renowned IB Programme. After graduating from SHSID, he went to the Mathematics department at the University of Cambridge and graduated with 1st Class Honors in June 2017. After obtaining his Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree from Cambridge, he then went on to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for further study and obtained his PhD degree in operations research in February 2022. He recently shared with us the good news that he has also been invited to join the Harvard Business School and will take the position of tenure-track assistant professor. 

The prospect of academic achievements shown by SHSID alumni has inspired all the teachers and students, and we here wholeheartedly send our congratulations to Dr. Li Lingzhi! The school will continue to pay attention to the development of alumni and cheer for them! For more stories about Dr. Li Lingzhi and other alumni of SHSID, please follow various school media platforms.


According to the most recent stats, until January 2022, the Class of 2022 has received more than 100 offers from US colleges, including 8 offers from Ivy League Schools and the Top 10 US Best Colleges (ranked by the latest U.S. News & World Report). The school completed the "HYPSM-Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT" US-undergraduate admission achievement years ago. This year, the school received the first undergraduate admission from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in the early application stage, creating a new history for the school US-undergraduate admission results. 

We look forward to receiving more great news about the RD round admissions. Let's march forward together for a great future.



国际学校网《上海中学国际部毕业生获美国哈佛大学终身制教职 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/14416.html


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