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  Recently Primary School's ‘Exploring the World’ Day for the 2020-21 academic year ended as a resounding success. Senior government officials and principals from other schools have also joined the event.



  At the beginning of this academic year, after much discussion, consideration, and research, the Primary School’s ‘Exploring the World’ Department together with all the primary school teachers developed student-centered, interdisciplinary activities based on various themes, as well as year-round plans for students in each grade based on their daily academic development.


  跨学科教学对学校各学科老师们的学术能力要求特别高,每个老师首先要做到对自己学科大纲及课程标准了如指掌,对学生的各项能力评估准确到位,才能更好的和各学科老师共同配合支持学生的主题探索学习。在探索的过程中,做到真正的“以学生为中心”,我们所有的驱动问题都来自于孩子们对主题的好奇。例如一年级清明节的探索过程中,有一个学生问:“中国有清明节,那么别的国家的人过不过清明节呢?” 另一个学生回答:“应该是有的,我们虽然在不同的国家,但是因为有相同对亲人朋友的情感,所以可能有相似的节日。” 通过这些对话,老师们洞察到了孩子们的好奇,探索自然而然地开始了。

  Interdisciplinary teaching requires a high level of academic competence from all teachers in the school. Each teacher must first have a thorough understanding of the syllabus and the curriculum standards for the subject they teach. They must also be able to assess students' abilities accurately in order to better support the students' theme-exploration learning alongside teachers of other subjects. We have succeeded in arriving at a truly student-centered exploration process, and we were driven by the children's curiosity about these themes. For example, during the exploration teaching about Qingming Festival in Grade 1, one student asked, "China has Qingming Festival. Do people in other countries have it as well?" Another student replied, "Probably. Even though we are in different countries, we may have similar holidays because we have the same feelings for our family members and friends." Through these conversations, the teachers gained an-insight into what the children were curious about and so, the exploration process began naturally.



  After more than two months of advanced lesson preparation, project development, study, model-making, and ICT programme development, students, with guidance from their teachers, integrated Chinese, English, mathematics, science, art, and other subjects.  They also showed how deep and far they can go in researching different topics in various ways, for example, giving speeches in both Chinese and English, putting on drama performances, acting out curriculum models, and using online programmes to demonstrate the results of an innovative East-meets-West education model.



  The following is a list of topics by each grade:



缤纷的节日 Colorful Festivals

  一年级学生在这一主题探索的过程中,采用问题导向式学习法(Problem/Inquiry Based Learning),通过 “提问 - 深入探究(阅读、视频提炼重要信息、聆听当地人的经历等)-小组探讨-创造及展示-反思-更多的提问” ,完成了包括对清明节、端午节、印度色彩节、威尼斯狂欢节等节日的探究活动。在展示日当天,孩子们通过戏剧、音乐、舞蹈、武术等艺术形式,带领来宾们走进一个个缤纷的节日世界。

  Grade 1 students used the problem/inquiry-based learning approach in the exploration of this theme by asking questions, making deeper inquiries (e.g., extracting important information by reading or watching videos, listening to the experiences of local people, and so on), engaging in group discussion, creating and presenting, reflecting, and asking more questions. They completed their exploration activities on festivals such as the Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Holi, and the Carnival of Venice. On the day of the presentation, the children led the audience into a colorful world of festivities through drama, music, dance, martial arts, and other art forms.




时间的洪流 Torrent of Time


  During the exploration of the second theme, the students not only learned about the development of ancient and modern timekeeping tools, units of time, and time management, but, on the day of the presentation, also had an in-depth bilingual exploration experience with their parents using their own handmade sundials, hourglasses, and other timekeeping tools. The most charming part of the presentation for parents was the children’s use of their classroom space, where they created "The Universe in a Large Classroom" and a “Self-made Model of the Universe" to clearly and vividly explain to parents the concept of "day" and "month" in time.




水的奥秘 The Mysteries of Water



  With the guidance of their teachers, Grade 3 students turned into "water detectives" and explored the water in their bodies, on the planet, and in vegetables and fruits. They also discovered how their water footprints spread across oceans, rivers, wetlands, lakes, and glaciers.  During the learning process, the children not only gained an understanding of the world's famous rivers and lakes but also explored in greater depth some of the famous hydraulic engineering projects at home and abroad. On the day of the presentation, what surprised the audience was how the children were able to use their self-made 3D models of the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Power Station and the Hoover Dam for a comparative study and presentation. At the same time, students used both Chinese and English to demonstrate to their parents the relationship between water and environmental protection. During the reflection part of the presentation, the children made teachers, students, and guests more aware of water conservation by showing their water conservation design drawings, flyers, and posters. The topic was also selected as a key topic in International Understanding Education by the Xinjin District Education Bureau.




初探经济 World Economy


  Grade 4 students were interested in exploring the topic of economics, and a lot of the children applied what they had learned about economics in the classroom to their own lives. During the exploration of the second theme, the children learned, in both Chinese and English, about the economic development of various countries in the world today, the history of various currencies, and the evolution of future currencies. At the same time, the children gradually practiced becoming little financial experts through various financial management activities. Also, the school realized a teaching collaboration with a famous bank, allowing the bank into the campus to give the children a more intuitive experience of banking and finance. On the day of the presentations, the children played representatives of various countries to participate in a Model United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, offering a proposal for the economic development of the country they represented. The parents were all pleasantly surprised by their children’s broad worldview.




气候与民生 Climate and Livelihoods


  Students learned about weather and climate, the 24 solar terms, and other related scientific knowledge in Chinese and English during their exploration of the “Climate and Livelihoods” theme. They also delved into global climate change as well as its impact and consequences. After deep reflection, they developed a series of action plans to solve the “climate problem”, taking into account what they had learned through various classes. After going through the process of undertaking surveys, interviews, and fieldwork, they finally finished their ultimate project: The Smart Eco-friendly Nursing Home. On the day of their presentations, the students gave a unique drama performance in Chinese and English in front of parents that combined dance, music, martial arts, and other art forms to raise everyone’s awareness of environmental protection.



  The excellent academic report of the children has won the affirmation of the parents and teachers.




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