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The second HWFL Reading Festival is in full swing. On April 13th, accompanied by the fragrance of spring flowers, under the leadership of the teacher, the children of HWFL took a brisk step, and went to a reading feast.


First of all, the children visited the exhibition hall of the Hangzhou Children's Library and saw a wide range of books. The children were excited and looking forward to it.



Then, the children in the second and third grades came to the multimedia hall to listen to the sharing of picture book stories by the famous picture book writer Li Qiaoqiao. The children were fascinated.


The children in the fourth and fifth grades came to the lending room on the second floor. The children took their seats neatly and quietly. After learning about the division of books and how to retrieve the books they need through the electronic system, they walked through the dense bookshelves and carefully selected their favorite titles.

爱芝士 爱知识


Spring is the perfect time for reading.Through this library reading activity, the children learned that the library is a good place to collect books, borrow books, and read books. They personally felt the quiet atmosphere and fragrance of books in the library, and sowed a seed of love for books and reading in the depths of their young hearts.

国际学校网《杭州上海世外学校:“爱芝士”HWFL第二届阅读节 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/38554.html


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