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It is April. The breeze is blowing, the vegetation is verdant, and the crowd in front of Wangchen Pavilion is surging.Grade 6 students, teachers, and parents gathered here to participate in the “Dad's Mountaintop” of the HWFL Sunshine Dad Series of courses and the Kunpeng Graduation Course launch event .



Mountaineering is a kind of training and test of will.In the shade of the dense trees, parents and children were walking together, and everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles of companionship and encouragement.Some dads strode like flying, competing with their children; some dads were unhurried, talking to their children while going up the mountain, enjoying the scenery in the mountains.This time, everyone experienced the excitement and briskness of just starting out, the fatigue and suffering halfway, and the success of reaching the top of the mountain in the end.



Standing on the top of the mountain and taking a deep breath, the most powerful aura in history of Hangzhou suddenly refreshed everyone.Dad and the children took a happy group photo to witness the joy of reaching the top.With the appearance of the host, the 80-day countdown to graduation launching ceremony also kicked off.The dear and respectable Principal Stella sent blessings and raised ardent expectations.The parent representative, Mao Kexin's father, and the student representative, Qian Siyuan, both gave high hopes for this event, were grateful for the school's educational philosophy, and sent good wishes to the students who are about to graduate.


Dad is like a mountain, stalwart and tough.Dad's love is rich and far-reaching, rooted in the children’s heart, carrying the child's expectations for a better future.“Dad's Mountaintop" is a continuation of the spirit of the Sunshine Dad series of courses of HWFL. It not only symbolizes the image of dads' perseverance and courage, but also leads children to explore higher and farther. It is also a practical expression of the concept of education of HWFL, “a Chinese heart, an international mind”, rooting in their hearts.

国际学校网《杭州上海世外学校:山高人为峰,逐梦向未来 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/38331.html


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