
春风拂青松,清明祭英烈。在清明节来临之际,为缅怀革命烈士、传承红色基因、弘扬传统文化, 近日,杭州上海世外学校党、团员教师代表以及六年级全体师生来到浙江革命烈士纪念馆开展“祭陵园英烈 传革命精神”主题考察活动。
On the occasion of the Qingming Festival, in order to remember the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the their spirit, and promote traditional culture, recently, the Party members, members of the Youth League and then teacher representatives of Hangzhou Shanghai World Foreign Language School, as well as all the teachers and students in the sixth grade, came to the Zhejiang Revolutionary Martyr Memorial Hall to carry out the spring excursion.
The monument to the Revolutionary Martyr stands even more towering with the company of the green trees and the mist in the rain. In front of the monument to the martyrs, the young pioneers holding yellow flowers stood upright, with solemn expressions on their faces, showing infinite sorrow and admiration for the martyrs.
The audience first played and sang the national anthem, and the student representatives laid flower baskets. Then they bowed and took a solemn oath. Subsequently, all teachers and students walked around the tombstones of the martyrs, admired the tombstones of the martyrs, and dedicated the chrysanthemums in their hands to the heroes and martyrs who slept here, in order to entrust the memory of the HWFL Young Pioneers.
Under the leadership of party members and members of the Youth League, sixth-grade teachers and students visited the Zhejiang Revolutionary Martyr Memorial Hall in an orderly manner to relive the glorious history of the revolutionary martyr who gave everything for the cause of the Party and the people.
Please believe that as the builders and successors of the new era, HWFLers will study hard, love the party, inherit the legacy of their ancestors, and strive to be a good young pioneer in the new era with a Chinese heart and an international mind!
- 上一篇:南京师大附中江宁分校:南京邮电大学给我校发来喜报
- 下一篇:没有了
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