
Experience the Americas from the Perspective of MathA Journey through Culture in Food, Clothing, Housing and Transportation
The golden autumn season saw our month-long Intercontinental Carnival – “the Americas” draw to a close. Our mathematics team carried out Problem Based Learning (PBL) activities designed to help students experience the Americas from a Math perspective, taking them on a journey of cultures through studies of food, clothing, housing, and transportation. The aim of our activities was to expand our students' understanding of human society. As our students worked on their projects, our math teachers were there to guide and support student collaboration through the overall learning process.
‘Clothing’in the Americas--The Beauty of Math in Clothing
Our Grade 1 students’ studies centered on a cross-cultural exploration of the Americas and math-themed clothing. First-graders began with an exploration of American Indian culture, gradually bringing in mathematical elements to their work. Students designed and presented their own eagle feather crowns! The guided efforts not only helped strengthen their mathematical knowledge in design and technology, but also served to improve their collaboration and inquiry skills. The teachers were extremely proud of them for their creativity! Let’s be expectant of what surprises they will bring to us in next year's Intercontinental Carnival!
‘Cuisine’in the Americas-- A Bite of the Americas!
The theme for Grade 2 was “American Cuisine - A Bite of the Americas”. Our second-grade students learned about the food, history, society, climate, and geographical and gastronomic characteristics of the Americas. Here PBL focused on American food but with a mathematics focus. Grade 2 students first searched for relevant information about American cuisine, collected data, and then tried to cook an American dish. Students were able to experience Mexican fruit tacos, Latin American dumplings, American cheese oatmeal, and many other types of American cuisine. Students then gave presentations of their recipes and tips for making their dishes. Lastly, each student voted for the most popular American food in their class, consolidating their knowledge of statistics. Throughout this experience students developed their skills in the areas of cooperation and collaboration. Undoubtedly, they have gathered greater insight into the Americas.
‘Entertainment’ in the Americas -- Significance in Dates
Our Grade 3 students focused on the theme, “Having fun in the Americas – the Significance of Dates”. Here students learned about festivals in the Americas. They were able to reinforce their understandings of the concepts of a year, month, and day. Our third graders’ PBL efforts involved making posters, analyzing different time zones, and exploring the background cultural stories behind different festivals and then comparing them with festivals in China. By doing this, students fostered a stronger understanding of cultures around the world.
‘Adventure’in the Americas -- Travel the Americas by Big Data
In Grade 4, students were encouraged to observe, explore, and apply mathematical concepts to life. Beginning with a Carnival Inquiry Project, Grade 4 Math teachers guided students to collate, organize and analyze data from various countries in the Americas. These steps helped to develop our Grade 4 students' ability to analyze data and establish connections between different data sets. One of the main conclusions drawn from their analyses was that transportation is indispensable and that some percentage of the population across a range of countries even displayed personalized license plates, as we all know!
‘Consuming’ in the Americas - Saving Energy Plan
Our Grade 5 students learned about energy in the Americas through studies of historical events, achievements, and data-driven perspectives. Students also conducted a thorough investigation into energy conservation. After investigating the electricity consumption of classrooms, corridors, the gymnasium and other places, students implemented and optimized energy-saving measures. Finally, students implemented their ideas for power-saving measures by creating a ‘Campus Saving Energy Plan’.
Students across all grade levels participated in mathematical-themed projects in the “Intercontinental Carnival – the Americas”. Their final products were research reports and work designs. These activities paved a way for contextualizing the learning environment and combining what they have learned in class with real-life scenarios, and served to create opportunities for students to work together to solve real-life problems. Meanwhile, through the process of inquiry, students gained a better understanding of the development and change of human society from the perspective of ‘food, clothing, housing and transportation’.
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