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上海市实验学校国际部浦西校区英语阅读活动分享,在本次学校读书节活动中,我们一、二年级的小朋友在老师的带领下,一起阅读经典《The Wizard of Oz》,讨论和学习故事当中的情节,开展小组学习,抒发自己对故事的想法和见解。回到家,孩子们进一步自主阅读,完成了阅读小练习。每位同学选取了自己喜爱的角色并有感情地表演了整个故事。整个活动过程中,孩子们爱上了阅读,享受着阅读带来的无限欢乐。

In this school reading festival, our first and second grade children, under the guidance of their teachers, read the classic The Wizard of Oz, discussed and learned the plot of the story, carried out group learning, and expressed their ideas and opinions on the story. Back home, the children further read independently and completed the reading exercise. Each student selected his favorite role and performed the whole story emotionally. During the whole activity, children fell in love with reading and enjoyed the infinite joy brought by reading.


你见过小王子吗?他,一个来自遥远星球的男孩。他是一位朋友,他向我展示了外太空的世界,那里闪耀着无数灿烂的星星。我们三至五年级的同学认真阅读了The Little Prince这本书,了解了勇敢的探险家的故事,并与他们一起前往我们最无法想象的世界。同学们有的分角色朗读了《小王子》中的各个人物,并选取了自己喜欢的章节配乐朗读,有的把自己对这本书的理解和想法写成了文章,做成了小报。

Have you ever seen the little prince? He is a boy from a distant planet. He is a friend. He showed me the world of outer space, where countless brilliant stars shine. Our classmates in the third to fifth grades carefully read The Little Prince, learned about the stories of brave explorers, and went with them to the world we couldn't imagine. Some of the students read the characters in The Little Prince in different roles, chose their favorite chapters and read aloud with music, and some wrote their understanding and ideas of the book into articles and tabloids.

国际学校网《上海市实验学校国际部浦西校区英语阅读活动分享 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/33063.html


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