回顾12月广州美国人外籍人员子女学校12 _ 16
A Visit from Santa
On Friday morning, all of our Elementary faculty and students attended their end of year assembly, which featured a special appearance from Santa! He read an adapted teacher version from the book The Night Before Christmas before we wished our students the best over the winter break.
12 Days of Christmas
All of our Secondary students and faculty attended the annual end of semester assembly to celebrate the upcoming holidays as well as say goodbye to those who are leaving us. Our teachers made a special 12 Days of Christmas video for our students, which included funny clips of our teachers for each of the days!
A Holiday Meal
As a big pre-holiday celebration, all of our Grade 3 students and teachers came together online for a holiday meal! Everyone brought their lunch, showed off their delicious food, and enjoyed some community time together before the upcoming winter holiday.
Wednesday Professional Development
This week during PD, Secondary faculty wrapped up the semester by extending appreciation for one another and highlighting the successes of the past few months. In Elementary, faculty celebrated the end of the semester with shoutouts, appreciations, and thank yous.
Happy Holidays!
We wish everyone a safe, healthy and well-deserved winter break! First day back will be January 30.
- 上一篇:上海美达菲学校精彩课堂:诗歌少女内心柔软的独白
- 下一篇:没有了
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