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活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周



活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周



活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周



活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周




活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周                活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周




The annual Spirit Week we are all expecting was coming! This year, how will the spirit week be different from the last few years? Let me take everyone for a view!

On the first day, everyone wore different clothing, but you could see that they came in groups, with the same clothes. Yes, it was Twins Day! As they were twins, their smiles seemed to be identical, too!

The second day was Crazy Hat Day. Look, children were wearing odd hats everywhere in our school! Some were like flowers, some were like furry bunnies, some were like the clown’s tall hats, and others were like popcorn. I want to bite them!

The third day was our Special Pajama Day, and everyone looked so cute wearing them! Relaxation and pleasant tastes filled the air, mixed with autumn osmanthus fragrance, a wisp of sweetness, like a happy dream. We sang, danced, and twirled in this dream with our dear teachers.

On the fourth day of the vitality of the day, junior high school and primary levels were different. Primary school was Monochrome Day. Everyone put on clothes of the same color, as if to the monochrome ocean. And junior high school was Creative Mask Day. What is Creative Mask Day? Full of our creativity, of course! Each person’s mask was unique and incomparable. The masks here were Italian, like in Florence; the masks there were Superman style as if famous heroes had come to our sides; the mask in the distance was future style, and the details were full of a sense of science and technology that reflected the students’ yearning for the future.

Dang-dang-dang! It was the grand final! The last day was the biggest day of all—Dress-up Day! Boys and girls came into the campus wearing the most beautiful and cool clothes. Suddenly, the whole school became a Grand Show. Every corner was a scenery line, sometimes elegant, sometimes lovely, or fashionable.

Throughout the week, merry laughter filled the campus, and Spirit Week came to a successful end. Spirit Week reflected the characteristics of each student and allowed them to develop their personality. This was the source of vitality for each student, but also the characteristics of HBBSS -- to highlight the personality of children, vitality everywhere.

Spirit Week wasn’t over yet, and everyone was already looking forward to next year’s Spirit Week!

国际学校网《活力加满快乐顶格:记2022年上海金山杭州湾双语学校活力周 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/31882.html


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