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最后一位是来自7(2)的Ruby,她是一位蝉联3次MAP阅读最高分的“大学霸”。她通过现场连线的方式,带领大家完整地梳理了所学的知识点和答题技巧,比如有关文章主旨的知识点,她列举了各个学过的文章的主旨以及常用的主旨,并分析了如何判断。Ruby尤其强调了记忆对中教英语的重要性,并提出了一些关键的记忆点,如字词具体需要记近义词、反义词、和不同形态的单词等关键词汇。 最后,她不忘鼓励大家好好复习,取得优异的成绩。  



As the mid-term is approaching, all the students have entered the review state, and each grade has also arranged the "Student Masters" of the current grade, presenting a wonderful experience sharing session for everyone.

Tuesday's Under the Flag speech had already warmed up to the topic. Tony from Class 1 Grade 8 said that there are three steps to prepare for the exam: organize the review materials, arrange the order of the exam reasonably, adjust the mentality, and prepare for the exam with integrity. Organizing data is one of the most overlooked steps, but it's a time-saver step and keeps our heads clear. Reasonable arrangement of the test preparation sequence also reminds everyone to grasp the initiative of reviewing according to their own situation. Integrity test preparation is more about the judgment of a person's character. Only on the basis of integrity test preparation can we study and review more seriously.

In the 7th grade meeting on Friday, 4 students shared more targeted review methods from Chinese, mathematics and English subjects.

First of all, Zoe from Class 4 shared the Chinese review method, and her meticulous notes impressed everyone. Zoe sorts out the things you need to pay attention to in each section in the order of the exam questions. She especially mentioned the memorization skills. If you need to memorize the part, you must dictate it again before the exam, ask your classmates to check it, and then correct it yourself, so as to be foolproof. Regarding composition, a project that makes many people dread, she instead mentioned that instead of writing blindly, you can spend 5 minutes first thinking about the structure and arranging the details.

Ricky from Class 3 shared the math review method, and his confident typhoon made the sharing more convincing. Ricky believes that the common problems in mathematics learning are only to improve the speed, practice makes perfect, not to learn knowledge points, and the learning of knowledge points still needs to start from memorizing words and formulas, and assist to improve computing ability. He also sorted out the precautions for the week before the exam, which benefited everyone a lot.

Kyra from Class 3 started with the cultivation of daily study habits and shared the methods of English review. She also emphasized that she should start reviewing a month in advance to avoid rote memorization before exams. Habits that need to be cultivated on a daily basis include: reading original books, accumulating words, and summarizing wrong questions. These habits may seem normal, but only if you stick to them will you get a real improvement in your ability, which will further help you in the exam. In the face of the pre-exam review materials, she mentioned that it should be completed like an exam. While checking for omissions, it can also adjust the mentality of the exam faster.

The last one is Ruby from Class 2, a "college bully" with the highest score in MAP reading 3 times in a row. Through on-site connection, she led everyone to sort out the knowledge points learned and answering skills completely. For example, about the knowledge points of the themes of the articles, she listed the themes and commonly used themes of the articles she had studied, and analyzed how to judge them. Ruby especially emphasized the importance of memory for C-side English, and proposed some key memory points, such as the need to remember key words like synonyms, antonyms, and words with different forms. Finally, she did not forget to encourage everyone to study hard and achieve excellent results.

As a special sharing, the grade also invited Andrew, a transfer student from Class 1, to tell about his more than 2 years of study experience in California, USA. His school has very strict rules: you need to keep quiet in class, and you can't interrupt at will; an assignment that is submitted 2 days late will be scored as 60 points, and 3 days late will be scored as 0 points; if there is an interesting place in the class , classmates can laugh, but not more than 10 seconds and so on. The strict rules not only surprised the students, but also made them understand that the purpose is to promote a better learning environment and develop better study habits. For the 7th grade students who have entered adolescence, they need to pay more attention to the importance of self-behavioral norms.

The meeting was very rewarding for the students. I believe that everyone has received the "secret" of the academic masters, and I wish everyone good results in the exam!

国际学校网《上海金山杭州湾双语学校学霸秘籍,请查收 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/31881.html


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