Education techniques must be flexible and constantly evolve in order to be impactful and relevant. This is something Dr Betty Chan Po-king, Hong Kong early childhood education pioneer and chairman of the Yew Chung Education Foundation understands better than most. The subject of the next YCYW parent webinar on 24 March — The Yew Chung Approach to Early Childhood Education — is one close to her heart.
Within each environment there are constant interactions that affect growth. As educators, we are tasked with creating an environment that provides learning that is rich, authentic and effective. It is a vision that has enabled YCYW to consistently lead the way in early childhood education.
There are 12 key values that inform our daily teaching and represent YCYW’s core ideals. These were distilled in a study of Yew Chung kindergartens in Hong Kong by Dr Stephanie Sanders-Smith, Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Chief among her findings for ECE Children are worthy of respect, they can be trusted, and they can initiate and lead activities.
In our 24 March webinar, Mr Clayton Mullins, Western Co-Principal, Early Childhood Education, YCIS Hong Kong will explain the Yew Chung approach to early childhood education.
美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校课程和教学副教授Stephanie Sanders-Smith博士在耀中开展实地调研。通过数据收集、分析和研究,确定了构成耀中理念和教学法基础的12条价值观。它贯穿于我们的日常教学之中,也是耀中耀华文化、环境和教学方法的核心。
Clayton Mullins
Western Co-Principal, ECE, YCIS Hong Kong
Mr Clayton Mullins, Western Co-Principal, ECE, YCIS Hong Kong, has been with the Yew Chung family since 2014. He believes in a well-rounded holistic education that continues over a lifetime.
Mr Mullins is a strong advocate for quality early childhood education that recognises the significance of the formative years of a child. He places equal emphasis on the importance of developing a teacher’s potential as this ultimately impacts on the quality of a child’s development.
24 March(Thursday)
The Yew Chung Approach to Early Childhood Education
English(with interpretation in Putonghua)英语(设普通话传译)
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