When we are still immersed in the joy of the New Year of the Tiger, the spring breeze has long blown a loud horn, and the drums of the New Year have merged into a magnificent symphony, inspiring us to strive for progress!
The dawn of 2022 has been sprinkled on our beautiful campus. At this beautiful moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, we, on behalf of the school, extend our warmest greetings to all the teachers who are working hard and assiduously seeking, and to all the students who study hard and pursue progress. And the most sincere New Year wishes!
In 2021, the International Department has achieved good results in the curriculum development of reading, moral education, career planning and further education guidance.In 2021,student Han Chuyu from the Cambridge Curriculum Center achieved a high score of 7.5 in IELTS, and many students were admitted to the world's top universities such as Imperial College,KCL,University of Manchester,etc.In 2021, four students from the American Curriculum Center successfully obtained the scores Enrolled by the University of Toronto,Canada,many students from the Mandarin Center are preparing for the entrance exams of Peking University, Fudan University and Jiaotong University.I wish you all the best of luck. This semester, the International Department has also made outstanding achievements in the quality monitoring and management of foreign teachers. A group of outstanding foreign teachers have joined Golden Apple School to contribute to the international development of Golden Apple.
In order to improve students' performance and effectively promote the improvement of students' academic performance, the International Department adopts the 8+1 model this semester, adding main courses every day, and the class time is increased from 8 to 9 a day. The work and rest time has also been adjusted accordingly, and the class time is postponed to 5:00 pm, evening self-study starts at 6:00. Sunday afternoon 3:30--6:00 All classes (except grades 1--3) add three supplementary main courses. Effectively increase your study time for the main course and improve your academic performance! Not only that, this semester, the school will also increase its efforts to improve teaching quality and increase evaluations. The school board allocates 500,000 yuan per semester as a reward for students who are excellent in both character and study, who have made great progress, and teachers who have contributed to the improvement of school quality. The fund will be distributed twice per semester to fully encourage all teachers and students to jointly improve the quality of education and teaching.
In the new semester, we expect all students to establish a correct learning philosophy. All students are asked to firmly believe that learning cannot change the starting point of life, but it can change the ending point of life; learning cannot change the length of life, but it can change the breadth of life. Teaching is worse than learning, learning is worse than learning, learning is worse than learning, and learning is worse than enjoying learning. Please try more independent learning, cooperative exploration, collective communication and common improvement, to experience learning, comprehend knowledge, think about problems, and improve skills.
Finally, what I want to say is that to judge how a school is, we don’t need to listen to reports or look at all kinds of statistics, but just look at the eyes of students and teachers: what is revealed in the eyes of students and teachers in good schools It is self-confidence, students are the desire for knowledge and respect for knowledge, teachers are professional pride, energy and interest in exploration, what the school needs is a place to change the state of mind! Wishing all teachers and students enjoy every day at school! Thank you all!
Welcome students , teachers , administrators and support staff. This term we have over 100 students from many different countries, that’s close to 25% of our students! The atmosphere is becoming more international and diverse. These holidays I have spent some time reading and studying some parts of ancient Chinese history and philosophy and even purchased a 古琴! Whilst I was studying I came across many 成语 about education and life long learning. This ancient idiom 师傅领进门,修行在个人 possibly from Confucius highlights the idea of the teacher opening the door and the student walking through it. With our school becoming more diverse, with different teachers and teaching styles. I invite all students to open your minds and be lead through the doors of learning which could lead you to paths of success and satisfaction far greater than you ever expected from yourself. Happy New Year of the Tiger and make 2022 count!
The future has come. Are you ready for it? A few tips for you to greet the future.
1. 一起向未来,坚持运动: Keep exercising.
Exercising helps to keep us sound both in body and mind.
2. 一起向未来,坚持读书:Keep reading.
Reading is the best way to broaden the vision and open the mind.
3. 一起向未来,不断积累:
Accumulate constantly.
A long journey can be covered only by taking one step at a time.
4. 一起向未来,不断突破:
Make breakthrough constantly.
The biggest progress in life is to break through ourselves constantly.
Look in the mirror twice a day
Focus on your strengths
Maintain eye contact when you are talking with teachers and classmates
Smile and give yourself more confidence
walk with confidence
大家好我是来自A22的朱津杰,很荣幸今天能站在这里给大家做一个学习经验的分享。12月24日·我收到了帝国理工材料科学系的offer,在此我想对我的母校, 老师们, 和同学们表示由衷的谢意。感谢你们的关心和激励,帮助我完成了我的目标。
第一 上课认真听讲。在课堂上要尽可能地跟着老师的思路走,尽可能使自己保持积极的听课状态,要积极地思考,认真地回答老师提出的问题,勇于发表自己的观点和看法。做好笔记。
第二 认真完成各项作业。课下,对老师布置的作业要及时完成,高质量,高效率,做到全神贯注、一丝不苟,作业要整洁、美观。回到家,一定要先完好作业在干别的事情勤学好问。在保持独立思考的同时,要虚心地向老师请教,与同学交流。
第三 学习要注重效率。养成良好的学习习惯对于提高学习效率是很有帮助的我们要善于观察和发现,总结学习中的规律。比如,早读和整理错题集对我个人而言是一种非常有效的学习方法。学习要有计划。在接下来的学习时,要制定一个合理的学习计划,每天必须完成,不仅劳逸结合,而且能使学习有秩序地进行。有了计划可以把自己的学习管理好。
第四 要注意劳逸结合,放学后,要抓紧时间完成老师布置的作业,然后早点休息,以保证第二天有充足的精力学习。如果休息不好,必会影响学习状态。闲暇时间,多看一些出色的课外书籍,既能开扩视野,增长知识,还能提高作文水平。在学习累了的时候,做一做体育运动,到室外呼吸一下新鲜空气,通过放松来获得更高的学习效率。
在这个学期,各个学部也即将迎来了全球统考。希望在接下来的紧张的备考周期里,我们一同奋进,不服青春韶华。最后送大家一句话共勉,勤学如春起之苗,不见其增,日有所长。Diligence is like the seedling that springs up in spring, but it does not increase and grows day by day.谢谢大家。
颁奖环节# awards # 优秀班干部 文智元,安唯利,陈妍冰,李潘,魏相冬,林以忱,徐鑫海,周子涵,张跃龄,曹俊杰,王硕硕,徐日琪,刘静,王佳意,姜万霖,于熙媛,林荣怡,郭峥,阮垂银,陈扬,黄周成,刘艺潇,童家依,曹梦绮,戴俊良,时崇铭,莫诺达 三好学生奖 余婷姿,林湘颐, 池欣容,邵俊海,胥华晨,孙凯蒂,丁瑞瑞,刘诗语,周颖轩,张伊珉,徐昊哲,张博文, 杜盈,陈欣, 霍欣桐,李诗琦 , 刘佳悦,姚安吉,凤晗羽,方思炫 涂嘉容,熊文宇,陈立泽冉,胡耘恺,蒋以明,王美意,宋明洋, 罗浩允,陈逸格,王天,秋兑炫,忻辰,乔子墨, 唐宇恒,闫馨宇,王君昊,张爱珈、高睿,陈优格,黄迈,陈雪、伍家辉,黄乐可、严丹亭,李安迪、胡敏瑞,任嘉乔、张敏毓,莫诺达、道尔吉 班级贡献奖 袁帅,安唯利,林粲,林昀,丁春雷,钟咏桐,谢家豪,杜万正,董志文,胡隐都,朱天骄,周天诚,曾子洋,胡天骋,张骏睿,刘念祖,韩智豪,宋欣妍,施和言,宋歆怡,奚嘻,Tanaka Fumiaki,丁宗森,王嘉沁,古峰瑞,陈心怡,盖比 金苹果奖 文智元 ,林湘颐,邵俊海,邓守进,安汀娟,郑皓予,张瀚文,刘艺平,尤斯晨,方圆,萨茹拉,姚心梓,李昱良,刘佳悦, 胡隐都, 朱旭,陈佳文 徐日琪 穆子豪 卢昱晨,朱津杰,李硕,高祎然,王晓浵,秋秀炫,王腾岳,Kunnatee,申俊秀,谭涵沚,张心佑,Chang Sehoon,童家依,叶子豪,胡敏婕,张佳嘉 优秀学生会干部 文智远,林湘颐,谢家豪,陈安东,高尉博,张佳家,莫诺达学校正值腾飞之际,虎虎生威才能为名校争光添彩。让我们继续秉承 “质量第一,促国际课程内涵式发展”的办学理念,携手,并肩,未来属于我们!
At the beginning of the new semester, we will take a self-confidence, a diligence, together to a happy start, to enjoy the full of hope for the new semester!
供稿:涂彪,DAMION, 梅娅琼,周明明,汤一舟
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