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Dear BASIS International School Guangzhou parents and guardians,


I had an absolutely stunning Chinese New Year holiday, but I can't think of a better way to end a holiday than by welcoming well-rested faculty and students back to campus.



I will never pretend not to treasure the holidays; however, I loved greeting students at the gate; stepping back into my classroom with all of my wily, snarky, and brilliant 9th graders; and seeing all of our fresh-faced faculty dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to the PD on Monday. It is an honor to work with and for so many fantastic students and teachers. 



Thank you for making BIGZ such a fantastic place to "come home" to and welcome back!




Erica Gale Smeltzer, PhD

Head of School 校长


Year of Tiger Roars into BIGZ


Ms. Sylvia Wei, Ms. Yinwei Tian

Translated by Ms. Cora Lin and Ms. Sherry Shu

On the last school day before the Chinese New Year Holiday, the Chinese Language Program, with the assistance of student volunteers, held a temple fair to celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Tiger. A series of activities, such as the pitch pot game, sugar painting, paper cutting and ink blowing, offered an in-person experience of cultural festivities and traditions.



Sugar painting is one of the signature activities at the temple fair. Golden malt sugar was used as “ink” to outline lovely shapes and figures. Putting a wooden prod on the painting and removing the figure after it was cooled and solidified, students got their sweet artworks for a sweet year ahead!



Riddle guessing is a traditional game with a long history. Festive riddle cards were dancing in the breezy air, and students were obsessed in finding the answers to the riddles. 



Papercutting and tie-dye would be the best games to unleash students’ creativity. With guidance from teachers and student volunteers, participants learned how to fold and tie in just a short while. A variety of patterns were produced via different folding and tying methods. 



How can we celebrate the Chinese New Year without red packets? This year, students decided to do something different. They folded, cut, and glued the red packets, transforming them into the unique Chinese New Year lanterns. They were very proud when carrying their handmade lanterns.



The pitch pot game, a banquet game that is developed as early as the Period of the Warring States, also saw students participate in great passion. Students were fully concentrated, even held their breath, when pitching the arrows. Some of them were never tired of testing their patience and agility, trying different angles to hit the pot. Both participants and audiences found great joy and excitement during the game.


Plum blossom symbolizes the arrival of spring, and it is beloved as it represents resilience and perseverance against all odds in the Chinese culture. An ink blowing booth was set up in the temple fair, teaching students how to blow ink to draw the plum tree. It is an easy way of painting: squirt a bit of ink, hold the straw right above it and blow. Students can use brushes to embellish their paintings. 



The beautifully-written Spring Festival couplets attracted students’ attention. Many of them tried their hand at calligraphy, with each stroke reflecting their best wishes to the Year of the Tiger. Not only did they enjoy writing calligraphy, but they also had an opportunity to delve into the traditional culture.



From sugar paintings to Spring Festival couplets, students were amazed by the magic of the Chinese traditional culture. Shoutouts to student volunteers who made a significant contribution to the success of the event! 




A Luncheon with Love


Mr. Joe Zhou, Ms. Cora Lin

Translated by Mr. Penn Peng

On January 21st, parents at BASIS International School Guangzhou put on the Chinese New Year Appreciation Luncheon for our teachers and staff in recognition of their hard work and dedication in the past year. A splendid array of dishes and drinks, where were not only exceptionally mouth-watering but lovingly made by our parents, gave our teachers’ tastebuds a long-waited treat and reflected parents’ best wishes to our teachers in the Year of the Tiger.



The outstanding feast not only warmed our hearts, but was also a testimony to the ever-strengthening bonds within our BIGZ community. In a joint effort with our parents, we will continue to create the best future for our students.



We would like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thanks to our parents for your hard work in putting together a divine luncheon for us. Your consistent support for the BIGZ community never goes unnoticed!



PK2 Goes Shopping


Ms. Hester Stoltz, Mr. Triscott A St Kitts, Ms. Joy Huang, Ms. Mingming Wang

Translated by Mr. Min Yu

As the Year of the Tiger approached, the PK2 Team developed a cross-curricular unit of inquiry that integrated both numeracy and Chinese lessons.



In keeping with the traditions of Lunar New Year, students were given the opportunity to explore what it would be like to have "lucky money" at school. Students had hands-on experience earning, counting, saving, and being responsible for keeping their "money" safe.



At the end of the week, our PK2 teaching team guided the students to recount their "lucky money", and take it to our school's 7/11 shop. Students had the opportunity to understand that items had different prices which ultimately resulted in their shopping budget. Some students decided to not buy anything and save up for something much bigger in mind.



This unit allowed our students real-world experience receiving "money" after completing tasks, saving "money", and then using it in a responsible way.


Editor 编辑 | Cora Lin & Min Yu 

Proofreader 校对 | Cora Lin

Photographer 摄影 |  Min Yu 

Photo Editor 图片编辑 | Jackie Huang

Layout Editor 排版 | Jackie Huang

BASIS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL GUANGZHOU 广州贝赛思国际学校 +86 020-8222-2888 | basisinternationalgz.com No. 8 Jiantashan Road, Science City, Huangpu District,  Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 510663 PR China 中华人民共和国广东省广州市黄埔区科学城尖塔山路8号

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