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12月11日(周六),我校成功举办了ISAC U14男子排球交流赛。本次比赛为即将于1月举办的决赛预热,共有7支队伍参与了角逐。同一天,我校U14女子排球队出征北京京西学校,客场三战全胜。最终,我们以不败的战绩为当天的比赛画上了圆满的句号。 

值得一提的是,在12月4日(周六)的U11排球联赛中,世青狼队的小队员们从16支队伍中脱颖而出,斩获了ISAC U11排球联赛两项第一名和一项第三名。 

This Saturday, our school hosted the ISAC middle school boys' volleyball exchange. Seven teams participated to test their skills before the final tournament scheduled for January. Our middle school girls’ volleyball team also travelled to WAB to play. We are very proud to say that both teams finished the day without a single loss!  

The week before, our U11 volleyball teams also took part in another ISAC tournament with 16 teams, winning 1st and 3rd places. 


比赛结束后,中学部排球男队教练、体育老师David Kelly在接受采访时与我们分享道: “上周六的比赛对于U14的队员和作为教练的我来说,都是一次很棒的学习机会。这样的交流赛能让学生模拟决赛的体验,同时帮助他们更好地理解教练的要求和期望——即在赛场上应该如何表现自己和与对手打交道。作为教练,我也看到了队员们在压力下的反应,了解到个体的优势及还需提高的部分。最重要的是,我们的队员意识到了团队合作应大于个人表现。”

After the tournaments, we spoke with the boys’ team coach, BWYA PE teacher Mr. David Kelly, to hear about what they’d learned from the success, “Last Saturday’s Volleyball exchange was a great learning experience for both the U14 team and me as a coach. Exchanges like these allow the players to experience what the final tournament will be like. The team now understands my expectations in terms of how I expect them to carry themselves, and compete with other schools. As a coach, I learned how they react under pressure. I also identified their individual strengths and areas for improvement. Most importantly the players know without a doubt that the team is more important than the individual.” 



With both the boys’ and girls’ teams achieving such strong results, at home and away, the quality of our holistic education is clear to see. Congratulations to the students, and coaches, and we look forward to seeing the winning streak continue! 

国际学校网《北京世青国际学校狼队在ISAC排球赛中大放异彩 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/11755.html


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