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上海美高双语学校音乐会| “美高之声”音乐会奏响新年的美好!


LWS New Year Concert

Voice of LWS




上海美高双语学校音乐会| “美高之声”音乐会奏响新年的美好!

  2022年1月8日下午, 上海美高双语学校“美高之声”新年音乐会在尚嘉中心成功举办, 美高书法社也同期举办。本次音乐会不仅展示了学生的风采,也是对学校美育成果的展示,充分演绎和展现了艺术的魅力,营造出良好的美育氛围。

  Along with the bell at the beginning of the new year in 2022, the "The Sound of LWS" New Year Concert also kicked off!

  On the afternoon of January 8, 2022, the "The Sound of LWS" New Year Concert of Living Word Shanghai Bilingual School was successfully held at L'Avenue, and LWS Calligraphy Fair was also held in the event. This concert not only showed the demeanor of the students, but also the achievements of the school's aesthetic education, fully interpreting and showing the charm of art, and creating a good atmosphere for aesthetic education.



上海美高双语学校音乐会| “美高之声”音乐会奏响新年的美好!

上海美高双语学校音乐会| “美高之声”音乐会奏响新年的美好!

  伴随着悠扬的《海顿奏鸣曲》,音乐会也正式开始,接下来是《肖邦升C小调幻想即兴曲》, 美妙的音乐在孩子的指尖飞扬,让人陶醉!

  Accompanied by the melodious "Haydn Sonata", the concert also officially started, followed by "Fantasy Impromptu in C-sharp minor by Chopin", the wonderful music is flying at the fingertips of children, making people intoxicated!



上海美高双语学校音乐会| “美高之声”音乐会奏响新年的美好!

  老师和孩子们一起为大家弹奏了一曲《Blue Danube & Canon》, 旋律优美动听,赢得现场观众的阵阵掌声!

  The teacher and the children played a song "Blue Danube & Canon" for everyone, the melody was so beautiful, and won the applause of the audience!

上海美高双语学校音乐会| “美高之声”音乐会奏响新年的美好!



上海美高双语学校音乐会| “美高之声”音乐会奏响新年的美好!


  The children of LWS are full of self-confidence. Accompanied by the flying melodies and bright rhythms, the children's dancing and agile postures interpreted youth and vitality. It showed the demeanor of the students of LWS and gained cheers from the audience!



上海美高双语学校音乐会| “美高之声”音乐会奏响新年的美好!

  《青花瓷》的歌声让人沉醉,让人幻想,眼前浮现一出烟雨朦胧的江南水墨山水,水云萌动之间依稀可见伊人白衣素袂裙带纷飞......最后孩子们为大家合唱《唐诗》,美高向来重视中国传统文化精粹,在经典回响中, 美高新年音乐会也落下帷幕,让我们共同期盼新年的美好!

  The singing of "Blue and White Porcelain" is intoxicating... In the end, the children sang "Tang Poetry" for everyone. LWS has always attached great importance to the essence of traditional Chinese culture. In the classic echoes, the LWS New Year's concert also came to an end, let us look forward to the New Year's good!


Calligraphy Club

上海美高双语学校音乐会| “美高之声”音乐会奏响新年的美好!

  美高书法社也同期举办中,现场有很多的观众前来观摩,书写,好不热闹。美高孩子现场为大家书写新春的祝福,把我们的新年美好祝愿传递到千家万户!旁边观看的人群连连夸赞孩子们真棒, 小小年龄没想到书法功底如此厚实,真是要向孩子们学习呀!

  The LWS Calligraphy Club was also held at the same time. Many audiences came to watch and write. It was very lively. LWS children wrote New Year's blessings for everyone on the spot, and passed our New Year's good wishes to thousands of households!



  LWS has always attached great importance to the stimulation and cultivation of students' artistic literacy, and will continue to carry out a variety of activities in the future to guide students to live an active and optimistic life and accumulate spiritual connotation.


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