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  Exciting News! The young tennis player of Tsinglan School won the championship!


  2021.9.11-2021.9.12,东莞市2021“滨江. SAGA世家表杯”东莞青少年网球公开赛暨东莞青少年U系列网球积分赛(第三站)顺利举办。作为该系列赛的第三站,本次比赛依旧集结了省内各地的高手。选手们顶着烈日高温,纷纷使出自己的看家本领,争取斩获更多的积分。最终,清澜山学校网球学院(TSTA)的选手们在各个年龄段的比赛中都取得了优异的成绩。高若宸、周一邑、罗嘉绮分别进入了U14男单、U14女单和U12女单的最终8强,来自10年级的15岁的陈奕涵更是一举夺得了U18女单的冠军。

  2021.9.11-2021.9.12, the 2021 "Binjiang. SAGA Family Watch Cup" Dongguan Youth Tennis Open and Dongguan Youth U Series Tennis Points Tournament (the third stop) held in Dongguan City. The tournament was once postponed due to the pandemic, and it was finally held this week. As the third stop of the series, this competition attracted top players from all over the province. With the unexpected high temperature hit the tournament, players seemed a little caught off guard, calling out that the weather was too hot. However, the players braved the heat and played with their full energy, aiming to gain more points to enter the Final Tournament by the end of the year. Ultimately, the players of Tsinglan School Tennis Academy (TSTA) have achieved excellent results in different age groups, Ruochen Gao, Yiyi Zhou, and Jiaqi Luo entered the final 8 of U14 men's singles, U14 women's singles, and U12 women's singles respectively. Meanwhile, Yihan Chen, from the 10th grade, won the U18 women's singles championship at the age of 15.


  陈奕涵同学作为网球奖学金学生,在本学年新加入本校。和新科美网女单冠军艾玛. 拉杜卡努一样,10年级的她因课业繁忙,总是在文化课的空隙中见缝插针的进行训练,在校园里总能看见她频繁往来于教室和训练场的身影。初来乍到的陈奕涵还不太不适应这种训练+学习的模式,虽然苦累,陈奕涵还是为了她能以网球和学业双优的成绩考入北美大学而努力着。在本次比赛中,陈奕涵同学以赛代练,虽然有些许紧张,但还是保持头脑清晰,一板一板的将训练中的技战术发挥到极致,敢打敢拼,最终摘得了本次比赛的桂冠。

  As a tennis scholarship student, Yihan Chen joined the school this academic year. Like Emma Raducanu, the new women's singles champion of the US Open, Yihan, a 10th-grade student, has busy schoolwork, so she always practiced tennis in the gaps between her classroom classes. On-campus, Yihan can often be seen to travel between the classroom and tennis court. As a newcomer, Yihan is not familiar with this training + learning model. Despite the hardship, Yihan still works hard for her goal --- to be admitted to a North American university with excellent results in both tennis and academics. Although Yihan was a little nervous, she kept her mind clear and never gave up on this tournament. Yihan saw this competition as an opportunity to practice and implemented the techniques and tactics practiced in training, and finally won the competition.



  Despite the excellent results achieved in this tournament, our players do not have much time to celebrate. From Monday, they will focus on a new round of training, continue to improve their techniques and tactics to prepare for the next tournament.



  Once again, congratulates on our players, and we are expecting to see them play next time.




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