每一届毕业年级都会有两件大事,一件是毕业典礼,另一件就是毕业设计,而每年的毕业设计都会伴随孩子们一整年的时间,从学年伊始,到即将毕业。这一年,孩子们会紧密关注17个全球目标(Global Goals),做大量的数据收集和研究工作,自己设计项目,尽力为全球发展做出自己的贡献!他们会看到全球饥饿地图,会了解到世界贫困指数,会思考全球污染问题,会关注濒危野生动物......孩子们在学到知识的同时,更增添了一份责任感。
今天的清澜山学校校会上,Mr. Curtis向五年级的孩子们介绍了今年的毕业项目目标,虽然放眼全球,但是我们要从身边的世界开始改变,做出力所能及的贡献,Mr. Curtis最后列出了明确的时间节点,虽然毕业展示是在2022年5月底,但时间如白驹过隙,很快就从手边流逝了,因此,五年级的孩子们要从今天开始,走进世界。
The last day in August brings the first official day of the Grade 5 Graduation Project! Mr Curtis started the project with a whole grade 5 meeting! With all Grade 5’s in attendance it was time for the students to look a head at what they will be doing in this year! The Graduation Project is a big part of Grade 5’s learning this year and the students looked very excited to get started! After the meeting it was time for the students to return to class and learn more about the project. Ms. Ran introduced stage 1 of the graduation project which was based on 17 different initiatives that were set by the United Nations to help improve the world that we live in! Some of these included No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Quality Education and Life Below Water! The first task was for the students to make a group of their own choice. Once they arranged themselves into groups they were instructed to use one of the 17 initiatives and create something that related to the initiative. The students came up with some really great ideas some of which included phone cases, posters, cups, chocolate wrappers and necklaces all of which had the information about their chosen initiatives! There’s a lot more work to be done, but now the students know their groups and have their ideas so it’s off we go on the graduation project journey!
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