Gold Level
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Trip
to Inner Mongolia
7 pupils have just returned to WASCZ from Inner Mongolia having spent 4 days hiking 75km across the Hulunbuir grassland.
The purpose of the trip was to take part in an adventurous journey that met the requirements of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award gold level.
7 pupils have just returned to WASCZ from Inner Mongolia having spent 4 days hiking 75km across the Hulunbuir grassland.
The purpose of the trip was to take part in an adventurous journey that met the requirements of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award gold level.
Over the course of the 4 days, the group hiked around the Hulunbuir grasslands, mostly following the farm tracks, using a map provided by the local company. The pupils used the camping, cooking and navigation skills they have used on the previous trips they have done while WASCZ pupils.
Mr Harmon和Mr Hunter 在徒步过程中和学生们聊了很多有关大学申请的事情。很高兴听到学生们依据自己的兴趣,准备申请英国和加拿大的法律、生物医药、经济学和工程学等专业。
Mr Harmon and Mr Hunter had the chance to talk to the pupils about many things while on the hike. It was great to hear about the pupils' university applications. The pupils are applying for law, biomedical science, economics, and engineering, in the UK and Canada.
On the second day of the hike, we saw a big thunderstorm pass by a few kilometres away. We took some great pictures of the thunder, lightning and rain falling on the landscape around us.
On the fourth day we saw a herd of horses running across the fields and then come close to us as they drank water from a puddle. Later we met a farmer who told us he was keeping the sheep and cattle away from one field because the grass there was for the animals to only eat in the winter. It was interesting to talk to him because his life is very different to our own.
On the fourth day we saw a herd of horses running across the fields and then come close to us as they drank water from a puddle. Later we met a farmer who told us he was keeping the sheep and cattle away from one field because the grass there was for the animals to only eat in the winter. It was interesting to talk to him because his life is very different to our own.
All pupils at WASCZ take part in the outdoor education programme, and also have the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. The Award is valued highly by Western universities because it demonstrates the pupils have developed skills such as teamwork and resilience, as well as taken part in adventures away from home.
It is our intention to resume our expedition trips to the UK and to Iceland as soon as the international travel situation allows. These trips allow pupils to work towards and complete the silver and gold levels of the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, and, in the case of the UK trip, to visit some universities to support the pupils' university applications.
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