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  In the warm May, with blooming flowers, the second "Flea Market" Charity Sale of Grace Academy Tianjin East opened last Friday, and the quiet afternoon became very lively.


  The students brought their idle items to the school’s booth for sale. While learning to be the “boss”, they also got “big gains” from the “small market”. The low-carbon and environmental-friendly life philosophy and awareness of conservation were also implanted from this.



  Set up stalls with parents to sell idle items. Be the "Little Boss" of the Flea Market.

  The flea market originated in Western countries such as Europe and the United States. It is another name for the second-hand market. It consists of small stalls, selling items ranging from automobiles and appliances to books and daily necessities at low prices.


  Some people say that Flea Market originated in France at the end of the 19th century. Early British people also often sold their old clothes and things on the street. And those old things often have disgusting bugs such as fleas and lice. Gradually, people call the place where they sell second-hand goods the Flea Market (Flea Market).

  有人说,Flea Market起源于19世纪末的法国,早期的英国人也经常将自己的旧衣服、旧东西在街上售卖。而那些旧的东西里时常会有跳蚤、虱子等恶心的小虫子,逐渐地,人们就将这样卖旧货的地方叫做Flea Market(跳蚤市场)。

  But don’t worry, the items we sell are carefully prepared by our classmates and parents. They are clean, hygienic, convenient and practical. Once listed, they attracted everyone’s attention.



  From administrators, cashiers, sales clerks, to advertising promoters, bookkeepers, and cleaners, each member of each class had a clear division of labor. When the market opened, the students performed their duties. Used books, school supplies, toys, homemade handicrafts, small works and other items were displayed, exchanged, and sold, and even the versatile Grace children sang confidently.



  "15 yuan, 12 yuan, 10 yuan, can't be lower, I will lose money~"


  As the business became more and more popular, moms and dads also joined the charity sales activities to promote the sale with their children, and some parents started the Shopping mode with their children. A series of shopping tips such as shopping around and bargaining are instantly mastered.



  The income from the sale of goods has been donated to the school’s “Love Foundation” in units of classes. Our school will use it for other student activities or make donations to continue everyone’s love and pass it on to those in need.



Why did we hold a flea market?

What is the original intention?

  Expression, organization, contingency, financial management and awareness of conservation.



  At the flea market, the students tried their best to attract customers, talked about the selling points of the products, and repeated popular slogans. We have to admit that the business acumen of our Grace children is really admirable. Even if it was a simple charity sale, they could be as calm and courageous as in an auction house.



  In many cases, children can learn and grow in various ways, and constantly improve their soft abilities. Just like this charity sale, from the group's joint completion of publicity panels, to the pricing of products, and the division of labor, the students proceeded smoothly in an organized and disciplined manner. This is not only about cultivating students' commodity awareness and economic acumen. This activity also deeply exercises each participant's expression skills, organizational skills, adaptability, and financial management skills.



  We, almost every semester, have held a flea market event in which students and parents participate together. The original intention is that children can cooperate with their parents, start from themselves, strengthen the awareness of saving, and develop the good habit of diligence and thrift. Meanwhile, in the experience of "frugality to nurture virtue", children think deeply about the hard-won of life.



Write at the end

  Finally, we would like to thank every classmate and parent who participated in this activity, as well as Chinese and foreign teachers who supported the work behind the scenes. With the concerted efforts of everyone, we received a considerable amount of charity donations and witnessed the collaborative growth of children. We also hope to create a happy learning environment for children in home-school co-education, and realize the perfect transformation of children!






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