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  In 2015, the first school belonging to the ISA International Education Group — ISA Tianhe International School of Guangzhou (ISA Tianhe)was established in Tianhe CBD. Since the establishment of this first ISA school, the multicultural atmosphere and innovative curriculum system has succeeded in the enrolment of children from Consulates, Chambers of Commerce and executives' families from some of the world's top 500 companies, accepting children from about 30 countries. It is the first international school in Southeast China to swiftly receive PYP Authorization of IB Programme in Zhujiang New Town, becoming the standard institution of international education in the CBD.


  Highly Professional Teaching Faculty



  ISA Tianhe brings together a leadership team from world-renowned schools and a team of teachers with rich educational experience. Native English-speaking class environment and specialist teachers are sourced from countries such as Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, and the USA whose official language is English. Teachers must have a bachelor's degree, a recognized teaching qualification and acceptable school teaching experience. They also possess a demonstrated understanding of inquiry learning, a high level of intercultural competence, a wealth of knowledge and good character, and a passion for education.



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(三) 〖广州天河爱莎外籍人员子女学校师资力量怎么样?〗链接地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/6459.html , 转载时请注明来源及保留本站链接。