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南昌二中中加班加方校长Mr.Jordan Stanley

  Jordan Stanley, Master of Education, is now the Principal of the international program at Nanchang No. 2 High School. He comes from New Brunswick, one of the Atlantic provinces of Canada.



2018年9月,时任江西省委常委、南昌市委书记殷美根为Mr.Jordan Stanley颁发滕王阁友谊奖

  He came to China in 2013.From 2013-2016 he taught English, Geography and Economics. In 2016-2017 he became Vice-Principal, and in 2018, Principal. He loves Nanchang, and regards Nanchang as his second hometown. Over the past 8 years, he has been working in Nanchang and also met his wife here. The two of them are raising a daughter in the city. Nanchang, the city, is the promised land for him and his wife, where they have their work and beloved daughter.



  Mr.Jordan Stanley与南昌市委教育工委委员、南昌二中校长蔡爱民一道为毕业生颁发加中两国高中文凭奖


  Mr.Jordan Stanley在担任加方副校长期间,与国际教育部主任朱欣艳、加方校长Mr. Bradley Stewart合影

  Mr. Jordan Stanley has represented Nova Scotia Educational Department to oversee and manage the curriculum of the International Department of Nanchang No. 2 High School, helping to bring the local curriculum into Sino-Canadian Program and ensuring the teaching quality. Besides, Mr.Stanley also facilitates positive working relationships between Foreign and Chinese Teachers and organizes special school and extracurricular events. What’s more, he also often volunteers in the community. All these have shown his remarkable achievements.



  In 2018, he has received the TengWang Friendship Award. In 2020, he has been nominated for Lushan Friendship Award, which is the highest honour for foreign experts in Jiangxi Province.



  Also, Mr. Jordan Stanley is acting as a liaison between the International Department of Nanchang No. 2 High School and Nova Scotia’s Department of Education; he works with department officials on school improvement plans.





  Nova Scotia Department of Education officials come to China annually to inspect programs and ensure all department policies and protocols are being met. Each year, the inspectors are impressed by the dedication of school staff and they consider program to be one of the best programs.



Mr.Jordan Stanley主持中国文化节,为师生们提供体验中国传统文化的良机




  Mr. Jordan Stanley has strived to have positive communication between Chinese and Foreign Teachers. By working together, teachers can help students improve even more and this also helps Foreign Teachers learn more about our students and local culture. He directed the student council to organize a special Culture Day, which included writing calligraphy, making dumplings, playing traditional games and a fashion show, to help foreign Teachers learn more about traditional Chinese culture.



Mr.Jordan Stanley邀请中方老师参加加方聚会


  He also loves Chinese traditional architecture, foods and culture. To help others experience this too, each year he organizes a special trip for our Foreign Teachers. They have travelled around Jiangxi, and have ventured to Changsha and Hangzhou. These trips also act as a great team building exercise.


  Mr.Jordan Stanley主持中加方老师联席例会,反馈学生加方学习情况,共商教育良策

  Another important role that Mr. Jordan Stanley has is improving teacher instruction. Teacher meetings are held bi-weekly and special professional development days are organized to explore various ways to improve student performance. Since all of our students are EAL learners, the team particularly focuses on finding ways to introduce literacy learning strategies in the classroom in all subject areas, just not in English.



Mr.Jordan Stanley的妻子Mrs. Andrea Stanley在中加班任教高一戏剧

  In addition to facilitating communication between teachers, as an administrator he also helps to ensure timely and informative communication with parents. Bi-weekly newsletters help to inform parents about what their child is learning, special school events, and homework plans. Progress reports are sent home to provide parents with ongoing feedback about their child’s academic performance. Parents are informed about their children’s learning habits, organization, and interaction with others from the ongoing feedback.



Mr.Jordan Stanley为获得2019(上海)国际发明大赛金牌的四位同学和指导老师点赞

  He directs and encourages teachers to help students join outside competitions and activities, such as invention competitions, model UNs, and Waterloo math competitions, where students have achieved great success.



  In addition to charity walks, he organizes various after-school clubs for students to participate in including clubs in running, speech, singing, yearbook, dancing, basketball, music, robotics, drama and fitness. He also organizes special music nights, a drama festival and a Science Fair to help students gain extracurricular skills and friendship with peers.


  Mr. Stanley enjoys volunteering in the community and has participated in special events and charity walks for Wanli orphanage and JiuJiang Sun Village orphanage.Overseeing various special events is also what he does throughout the school year. An example is a school-wide charity run to raise money for a local family dealing with a cancer diagnosis. He and students, teachers raised money by selling T-shirts, and had a campus marathon. Students got a lot of exercise doing it. The experience taught students that giving back and helping out others is important.


  Another important role for him is being a father and husband. He met his wife in Nanchang and they have found Nanchang to be a wonderful place to raise their daughter. They have made countless friendships over the years.


  Mr. Jordan Stanley will continue to work in Nanchang No.2 Sino-Canadian Program, contributing his wisdom and strength to the development of international education in Jiangxi.


  Mr.Jordan Stanley带出了一支团结敬业的外教团队




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