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重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)



重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)




重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

  伯克利音乐学院(Berklee College of Music)是位于美国的一所现代音乐顶尖音乐学院,始建于1945年,是一所致力于现代流行音乐教学与研究的学院,也是唯一一所将主要课程设置为现代音乐的音乐院校。学院环境优美,生活丰富多彩,学生们毕业后有极好的机遇从事音乐专业方面的职业。

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)

重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)





  Our first batch of Beijing Royal School Grade 12 students' early acceptance offers consisted of offers from top-notch universities in the U.S and the UK.: ivy-league Cornell University, Top 30 ranked U.S. universities Emory University and New York University, and “G5 Super Elite University” institutions Imperial College London and University College London.

  In this 2nd batch of offers, the BRS Class of 2021 is proud again to share new acceptance offers from prestigious colleges and universities around the world. Parallel to and in addition to highly sought-after U.S. and U.K. offers come offers from highly sought-after Canadian and Australian G8 universities. Beckoned by multiple acceptance offers are the following: two offers from the University of Toronto, 13 offers from the University of Melbourne, 13 offers from the University of Sydney. Five offers from Top-50 ranked U.S. universities have been accepted at this time as well, including two from Boston University, one from Brandeis University, one from Tulane University, and one from Northeastern University. Worthy of particular note is one offer has been received from Berklee College of Music in the U.S. with an annual scholarship of $23,000, affirming the fruitful labors and dedication of BRS musicians who have pursued their dreams.

  Many students receiving multiple offers from manifold universities indicates universities’ enthusiasm to have BRS students enrolled as freshman therein. These early acceptance offers are not only representative of the hard work of the individual students, but are also a good omen for the entire BRS Class of 2021. We look forward to updating and expanding our list of acceptance offers received as BRS students reap the benefits of years of dedication and are accepted into their dream universities.


国际学校网《重磅 | 北京王府学校2021届学子早申录取喜报(二)》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/5330.html


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