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DHSZ Open Class Series
欢迎回到德威公开课系列第五集——今天我们将聚焦翟老师(Lemon Zhai)的艺术课堂。
再次晾干 完成~
蓝晒法(Cyanotype,铁氰酸盐印象法)是一种摄影印刷工艺。由英国天文学家和化学家约翰·赫歇尔爵士(John Herschel)于1842年发明。它利用含有铁化合物的光敏化学溶液涂覆纸张,通过紫外线曝光,产生化学反应,使纸张上曝光部分变成深蓝色。
Art & Design
Episode 05
Welcome back to our Open Class series! This time, we are excited to showcase our amazing art class brought by Ms Lemon Zhai.
Our talented teachers and dedicated students have achieved remarkable success in a wide range of artistic disciplines, in terms of the excellent work from the students and the various international awards they have received, and the number of acceptances from the world's top universities. So whether you are an aspiring artist or just looking to explore your creative potential, we invite you to join us on this journey of discovery and see where your passion for the arts can take you.
Exploring New Techniques
In today’s lesson, students will learn a new skill called cyanotype, and Ms Zhai will introduce and demonstrate the technique step by step. Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that’s commonly used by artists and designers using coated paper and light.
Students will then apply their understanding and knowledge by generating a high contrast print with their illustrations, primary photos, texture studies, found objects, etc.
Introduction & teaching
Making a solution with equal parts of two chemicals
Coating the paper
Creating the design
Exposing the paper
Rinsing the paper in water to wash away the unexposed chemicals
Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. The process was discovered in 1842 by Sir John Herschel, a British astronomer and chemist. It involves coating paper with a light-sensitive chemical solution containing iron compounds. When the coated paper is exposed to ultraviolet light, a chemical reaction occurs that turns the exposed areas of the paper into a deep blue color.
Foundational Classes
Start with the Basics
In our Y10 foundational classes, students focus on learning the formal elements, design principles, and essential skills of art, such as tonal drawing, colour theory, and digital skills. This lays a strong foundation for their artistic journey.
Project-Based Learning
Inspire Creativity
From Y11 onwards, our students engage in project-based learning with selected themes. We begin by exploring inspirational artists and designers and encouraging students to make artist responses.
Our students then experiment with various materials and techniques, with the process reflected in purposeful and meaningful outcomes.
We also emphasize the importance of taking primary photos, not only because it’s an exam requirement, but also critical as a working ethic. This helps our students develop good habits and improves their ability to communicate their ideas effectively.
Partial recent art achievements
- Swipe to see more, click the photo to read -
Our Students
Pushing Beyond
Comfort Zones
In our classrooms, we give students opportunities to create and solve artistic problems and push them out of their comfort zone. Our class is often combined with lecture time and studio time which allow students to be engaged and reflective.
We help students gain the skills they need to communicate their ideas effectively and make artwork that is meaningful to them. We challenge students to try new things and to achieve what they thought they couldn’t. Our goal is to create an environment where students can stay curious, experimenting and risk-taking, and we hope that students can understand and express themselves via various medium and also build confidence through the experience.
Advice From Ms Zhai
Stay Curious
and Experiment
For art and design students Ms Zhai suggests that “First of all, surround yourself with inspiring artists and designers, and passionately create your own art. Then find your own style, and be original and authentic.
Last but not least, there is talent in art but no shortcut. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, sometimes you need them in order to go forward.”
Unleash Your Creativity
and Explore
the World of Art
At the DHSZ art department, we are committed to helping students unlock their creativity and reach their full potential as artists and designers.
Our approach to teaching combines various classes, project-based learning, and challenging opportunities for experimentation and reflection.
We believe that every student has the ability to create great art, and we are here to inspire and empower them to do so. The creation of art is a journey of discovery, and we look forward to seeing what our art department can bring us on this journey.
- 上一篇:上海闵行区协和双语教科学校:“人机神经工程”讲座活动
- 下一篇:没有了
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