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在英语阅读课中,单元一的主题是“Life in a Day” 。通过单元中两篇文章和一个视频材料的学习,同学们受到启发并且用视频的形式记录他们一天的生活。




Students' takeaway:

I clearly understand that all people have things in common and differences. We may have different cultural backgrounds and characters, but we also have things in common. Complementary life allows us to open up our horizons while opening up the pattern. I consider this unit meaningful and think-provoking.

——Daniel Guan


The article talks about different people doing different things every day. Different people mean different countries, different colors, and different bourgeoisie people do different things every day. The article mentions a director Macdonald who is filming Life in a day. This movie records different people doing different things every day. At the same time, you can see that some areas of people's families are not good, you can see that these people live in an inferior environment.

——Eric Bi


“Life in a day” shows us the same things that all people did in a single day and the different things that happened in some of the people. It tells us something could be normal to one person but extraordinary to another. I also learned that people love and fear different things. In the short video, we recorded one day of my school life, I learned that teamwork is important.

——Hope Hu

国际学校网《上海杨浦双语国际高中:校园一隅 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/37102.html


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