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上海中学国际部:初中段模联社参会纪实                立足当下,放眼未来,初中段模联社参会纪实。






On March 18th and 19th, SHSID students in 7th and 8th grades attended the 2023 edition of the China International Schools Model United Nations conference, which brought together 22 schools and more than two hundred talented and passionate students from around China.

The conference featured various committees and councils, including the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, and the Human Rights Council, among others. Delegates were able to engage in thought-provoking debates and discussions and gain a deeper understanding of the complex issues facing our world today.

In addition to the traditional Model UN activities, the conference also featured a variety of special events, such as keynote speeches from prominent figures in the field of climate protection, musical performances, and social events that allowed students to network and build lasting connections.

The organizers of the conference worked tirelessly to create an unforgettable experience for all participants, and their efforts paid off with resounding success. The conference provided an invaluable opportunity for students to develop critical thinking, public speaking, and diplomacy skills, while also fostering a sense of global citizenship and collaboration. The conference team also proposed a concept of reclaiming the future which was shown throughout their conference. This conference also decided to not give out awards in order to put less pressure on beginner and encourage all student to have a voice of their own. 

The students of SHSID MUN club have gained a lot in this meeting, showing the critical, creative and inquiry abilities needed as independent learners.

国际学校网《上海中学国际部:初中段模联社参会纪实 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/36946.html


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